Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service



To listen to a selection, click the corresponding mp3 icon icon. Please be aware that some of files for the selections are large in size.

The vocal recording of the National Anthem was made by the PHS Music Ensemble Choral Group in 2013. The instrumental recordings of the PHS March and the National Anthem were made by the PHS Music Ensemble Ceremonial Band in 2013. The vocal recording of the PHS March with updated lyrics was made in 2022.

The PHS Music Ensemble Chorus and Ceremonial Band recordings of the PHS March and National Anthem are public domain and can be freely used for ceremonial events in cases where the PHS Ensemble Choral Group and/or Ceremonial Band are unavailable or not requested to perform. Whenever possible, credit to the Ensemble group(s) who created the recording(s) should be given.

All performances and concerts by the Ensemble are free of charge.

mp3 icon  United States Public Health Service March - vocals only - transcript
mp3 icon  United States National Anthem - vocals only - transcript
mp3 icon  United States Public Health Service March - instrumental only
mp3 icon  United States National Anthem - instrumental only

Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025

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