Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee

Frequent Asked Questions

Is the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) considered a branch of the military?
No. We are one of the 7 Uniformed Services of the United States (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Oceanic Atmospheric Agency, Public Health Service). As a non combatant Uniformed Service we are entitled to all of the same benefits as the combatant services to include: pay, medical and retirement benefits, pension and VA benefits. We also wear uniforms and hold military ranks.

Are there exceptions/waivers for those who are 44 years of age or older who may wish to join the USPHS?
In rare circumstances, yes. This will vary by officer specialty, and is very unusual.

After I submit my application, how long should it take before I am contacted (for further information)?
There are very few officers who work in recruitment/assignment compared to the number of applications the USPHS receives. Please be patient and await contact from the Office of Commissioned Corps Operations (OCCO). If you are qualified, OCCO will invite you to attend a mandatory conference call explaining the commissioning process.

Once I´ve submitted my application and medical information what is the next step?
Your package is submitted to a professional board, and a medical board. If you are found qualified, you can then pursue federal jobs/positions as a "USPHS Commissioned Corps Applicant who has been professionally Boarded and Medically Cleared".

How long after I have been medically cleared and have passed the board do I have to secure a job?
One year.

If I do not find a job in the specified timeframe, what happens to my application?
Boarded applications are considered active for 1 year. If an applicant fails to locate and accept a position within 12 months, the applicant must start from the application process over (from the beginning).

Will the USPHS find me a job or assign me to positions?
The USPHS does NOT find nor assign applicants positions. Qualified applicants are assigned a HSAPP Discipline Liaison. The Liaison is a Health Service Officer who volunteers to assist applicants in the application process and finding a position. The Liaison will direct the applicant to begin their job search at and will share Commissioned Corps job announcements; which include: DoD mental health positions, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services agency positions, and strategic, polite networking with current USPHS officers.

How much money do officers make?
Current pay scales can be found here:

Where can I find a listing of all HHS agencies? Where is the best place to search for jobs?
How is Training and Education (T&E) calculated? Applicants are awarded T&E upon entering the USPHS, based upon a combination of their education and work experience/years. Go to this site: and search for "General Appointment Standards", CCI 231.01, you will find adequate information on the calculations used. T&E awards are capped at 9 years.

How is Training and Education (T & E) calculated?
Applicants are awarded T&E upon entering the USPHS, based upon a combination of their education and work experience/years. Go to this site: and search for "General Appointment Standards", CCI 231.01, you will find adequate information on the calculations used. T&E awards are capped at 9 years.

Once I become a USPHS officer will I be asked to relocate?
No, as USPHS officer you will not be ask to relocate. However, relocation can expedite obtaining employment.

If I submit an application to join the USPHS, can I simultaneously apply to jobs within HHS or DoD?
Yes. An applicant does NOT become an officer officially until they find and accept a qualified job, and receive their Call-to-Active Duty (CAD).

Note: It´s of critical importance that each applicant/prospective officer, who receives a CAD - familiarizes themselves with the policies and procedures governing the USPHS. It is strongly advised that if one has additional questions, to go to this site:, hit the link to "Publications" on the yellow horizontal bar, hit "Commissioned Corps Issuance System", and search for topics that will provide information that may answer your question.

Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025

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