Sec 1: Voting Member (VM) Eligibility Requirements
HSPAG VMs must be full-time active duty Commissioned Corps (CC) officers in the HS Category. In addition, all HSPAG VMs must meet Commissioned Corps Headquarters (CCHQ) basic readiness standards and be in good standing with their Agency (acceptable performance, no adverse actions, etc.) at the time they are nominated and selected as HSPAG VMs. These requirements remain in effect throughout an officer’s term of service as an HSPAG VM.
Eligible VM’s must be an assigned primary PAG member, as published on the Official PAG Roster that is managed by the HSPAC Chair and CPO. The official primary assigned PAG membership list is sent to each PAG Chair, at a minimum, on an annual basis. Officers cannot serve in a VM role outside their primary assigned PAG as outlined in the Official PAG Roster.
Sect 2: Size of HSPAG Voting Membership
The PAGs shall have 9 VMs who are nominated and appointed by each of the VMs on a PAG. The nine VM include: the PAG Chair and 8 Subgroup Chairs (Recruitment & Retention Subgroup is an ad hoc Subgroup and can be filled with a non-voting member of the same PAG). The PAG Recruitment and Retention subgroup is an adhoc subgroup that is activated at the discretion of the HSPAC Chair or CPO during open enrollment for new HS Officers in specific disciplines; therefore, a voting member is not required to chair this subgroup.
Sec 3: HSPAG VM Responsibilities
PAG VMs are responsible for serving in a leadership role (e.g., Chair or Subgroup Chairs) each year of their three-year term. The Recruitment & Retentions Subgroup is an ad hoc Subgroup and can be filled with a non-voting member of the same PAG. The below mentioned responsibilities does apply to the Recruitment and Retention Subgroup once stood up as an ad hoc Subgroup.
Officers selected for PAG VM membership are responsible for:
- Chairing one PAG Subgroup in their respective PAG
- Attending PAG voting member, HSPAC leadership, and general meetings
- Collaborating, leading, and managing activities across other PAGs, HSPAC Subcommittees and other CC workgroups/committees, and discipline-related professional organizations
- Providing leadership any comments on pending changes to the Commissioned Corps and HSPAC, and
- other PAG priorities as needed through the HSPAC Chair and CPO
Once the VM has earned 30 days of service at the end of 3-year VM cycle, the PAG Chair through the HSPAC Awards Subcommittee will provide details of such service to the HSPAC Chair for recognition (e.g., Unit Commendation). The template can be obtained from the HSPAC Awards Subcommittee.
Sec 4: Representation
The PAGs will make a concerted effort to have an all-inclusive diversity in its membership. Participation shall be encouraged from across government Agencies, to provide a range of experiences necessary to address issues before a respective PAG. Consideration will also be given to diversify range of rank among the VMs. PAG participation shall be promoted from members whose regular duty station is geographically removed from the National Capital Region (NCR) (e.g., Washington, DC, Virginia, and Maryland) and Atlanta, Georgia. PAG members will be actively solicited and provisions, such as teleconferencing, will be made so officers stationed outside the NCR can participate in meetings.
Officers participating in a PAG will be officially assigned to a PAG that appropriately aligns with their professional discipline and commissioning degree by the HSPAC Chair and CPO. All officers, including VM’s, can participate in other activities or PAGs outside their primary assigned PAG. However, VMs can only serve in a VM role in their primary or officially assigned PAG.
Sec 5: Participating Members (Non-voting)
The PAGs welcome individuals to serve in a volunteer capacity on all PAG subgroups and PAC subcommittees and workgroups and to assist with special projects and activities at the discretion of the PAG Chair. Non-VM’s can serve as PAG Subgroup co-chairs, if needed, for their primary assigned PAG at the discretion of the PAG Chair if the activities provide justification for multiple leadership roles.