Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee


Article I: Overview and Composition of the HSPAG

The articles contained in this document serve as a unified bylaw that will apply to all Health Services Professional Advisory Groups (HSPAGs), recognizing that disciplinespecific activities and operations will be delineated in each of the PAG standard operating procedures. The following PAGs are recognized by the Health Services Professional Advisory Committee (HSPAC):

  • Basic Applied Sciences (BASPAG)
  • Dental Hygiene (DHPAG)
  • Healthcare Administration (HAPAG)
  • Health Information Technology (HITPAG)
  • Medical Laboratory Science (MLSPAG)
  • Optometry (OPAG) • Physician Assistant (PAPAG)
  • Public Health (PHPAG)
  • Social Worker (SWPAG)
  • Because the Psychology PAG (PSYPAG) has officers both in the HSPAC and the Scientist Professional Advisory Committee, PSYPAG is exempt from the structure described in this Uniform PAG Bylaw

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Article II: Purpose

The PAGs, under the direction of the HSPAC, shall consider discipline-specific, professional issues and advise the Surgeon General on current and future policy and practice through the HSPAC Chair and Chief Professional Officer (CPO) regarding such issues.

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Article III: HSPAG Voting Membership

Sec 1: Voting Member (VM) Eligibility Requirements

HSPAG VMs must be full-time active duty Commissioned Corps (CC) officers in the HS Category. In addition, all HSPAG VMs must meet Commissioned Corps Headquarters (CCHQ) basic readiness standards and be in good standing with their Agency (acceptable performance, no adverse actions, etc.) at the time they are nominated and selected as HSPAG VMs. These requirements remain in effect throughout an officer’s term of service as an HSPAG VM.

Eligible VM’s must be an assigned primary PAG member, as published on the Official PAG Roster that is managed by the HSPAC Chair and CPO. The official primary assigned PAG membership list is sent to each PAG Chair, at a minimum, on an annual basis. Officers cannot serve in a VM role outside their primary assigned PAG as outlined in the Official PAG Roster.

Sect 2: Size of HSPAG Voting Membership

The PAGs shall have 9 VMs who are nominated and appointed by each of the VMs on a PAG. The nine VM include: the PAG Chair and 8 Subgroup Chairs (Recruitment & Retention Subgroup is an ad hoc Subgroup and can be filled with a non-voting member of the same PAG). The PAG Recruitment and Retention subgroup is an adhoc subgroup that is activated at the discretion of the HSPAC Chair or CPO during open enrollment for new HS Officers in specific disciplines; therefore, a voting member is not required to chair this subgroup.

Sec 3: HSPAG VM Responsibilities

PAG VMs are responsible for serving in a leadership role (e.g., Chair or Subgroup Chairs) each year of their three-year term. The Recruitment & Retentions Subgroup is an ad hoc Subgroup and can be filled with a non-voting member of the same PAG. The below mentioned responsibilities does apply to the Recruitment and Retention Subgroup once stood up as an ad hoc Subgroup.

Officers selected for PAG VM membership are responsible for:

  • Chairing one PAG Subgroup in their respective PAG
  • Attending PAG voting member, HSPAC leadership, and general meetings
  • Collaborating, leading, and managing activities across other PAGs, HSPAC Subcommittees and other CC workgroups/committees, and discipline-related professional organizations
  • Providing leadership any comments on pending changes to the Commissioned Corps and HSPAC, and
  • other PAG priorities as needed through the HSPAC Chair and CPO

Once the VM has earned 30 days of service at the end of 3-year VM cycle, the PAG Chair through the HSPAC Awards Subcommittee will provide details of such service to the HSPAC Chair for recognition (e.g., Unit Commendation). The template can be obtained from the HSPAC Awards Subcommittee.

Sec 4: Representation

The PAGs will make a concerted effort to have an all-inclusive diversity in its membership. Participation shall be encouraged from across government Agencies, to provide a range of experiences necessary to address issues before a respective PAG. Consideration will also be given to diversify range of rank among the VMs. PAG participation shall be promoted from members whose regular duty station is geographically removed from the National Capital Region (NCR) (e.g., Washington, DC, Virginia, and Maryland) and Atlanta, Georgia. PAG members will be actively solicited and provisions, such as teleconferencing, will be made so officers stationed outside the NCR can participate in meetings.

Officers participating in a PAG will be officially assigned to a PAG that appropriately aligns with their professional discipline and commissioning degree by the HSPAC Chair and CPO. All officers, including VM’s, can participate in other activities or PAGs outside their primary assigned PAG. However, VMs can only serve in a VM role in their primary or officially assigned PAG.

Sec 5: Participating Members (Non-voting)

The PAGs welcome individuals to serve in a volunteer capacity on all PAG subgroups and PAC subcommittees and workgroups and to assist with special projects and activities at the discretion of the PAG Chair. Non-VM’s can serve as PAG Subgroup co-chairs, if needed, for their primary assigned PAG at the discretion of the PAG Chair if the activities provide justification for multiple leadership roles.

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Article IV: Terms of Appointment, Attendance and Removal from Position

Sec. 1 Term of Appointment

HSPAG VMs are selected for a three-year term, beginning on January 1st of their first year and ending on December 31st of their third year. Terms will be established to ensure that approximately one-third of HSPAG VM terms expire annually. Once a member has accumulated a lifetime total of six (6) years of service on the PAG, they are not eligible for reappointment. Terms of office may be served consecutively at the discretion of the PAG Chair. In addition, Officers cannot serve as dual VM in the HSPAC and VM of a PAG during the same time period.

The PAG Chair serves a one-year term, beginning on January 1st and ending on December 31st.

If the term of the Chair coincides with the expiration of that individual’s membership on the HSPAC, the Chair may serve one (1) additional year as an exofficio member of the PAG, unless reappointed as a regular member per the provisions of Article (V). For example, a PAG member can be appointed and serve as Chair-Elect in his/her third year on the PAG and then serve a fourth year in an exofficio status as Chair if not reappointed to a new three (3) year term.

Sec. 2 Attendance

VMs are required to attend either in person, by telephone or by videoconference, a majority (>50%) of PAG meetings. Members are expected to have an alternate attend any meeting where they cannot be present. Any member of the PAG who misses more than 50% of meetings without just cause can, at the discretion of the PAG Chair and in consultation with the HSPAC Chair and/or CPO, be asked to voluntarily resign from the PAG.

Sec. 3 Removal of an HSPAG Voting Member

An HSPAG VM may be asked to resign for any of the following reasons:

  • non-attendance at more than 50% of official HSPAC meetings without a preapproved absence
  • non-performance of assigned tasks from HSPAG Chair
  • non-performance of the VM’s Subgroup responsibilities
  • not maintaining Basic Readiness status, in accordance with CCHQ guidelines Any requests for HSPAG VM resignations will be made at the discretion of the PAG Chair, in consultation with the HSPAC Chair and CPO.

Sec. 4 Removal of HSPAG Chair

The HSPAC Chair may choose to remove the PAG Chair at any point in time, in consultation with and concurrence by the CPO. If the PAG Chair is removed, or is otherwise unable to serve their term, the PAG Chair-Elect will serve as the acting Chair until the end of the term. If no PAG Chair-Elect currently exists, the HSPAC Chair will appoint one of the current HSPAG VMs to be the acting PAG Chair for the remainder of the term

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Article V: Line of succession and Vacancies, HSPAG Voting Members

Sec. 1  Line of Succession

In the event that a voting member’s primary work responsibilities and other extenuating circumstances prevent them from participating in PAG activities, line of succession procedures can be established that allow voting members to appoint an alternate (alternate must be an officer from the same PAG) to Chair a Subgroup with regards to PAG-related matters. If the PAG Chair is unable to serve their term, the PAG Chair-Elect will be next in the line of succession to become Chair.

Sec. 2 Vacant HSPAG Voting Member Positions During the Operational Year

Should the need arise to fill an unexpired term, the vacancy shall be filled through the annual nomination process. The PAG Chair, with consultation from the HSPAC Chair and/or CPO, may appoint an officer to fill a voting member vacancy for an unexpired term until the next nomination cycle.

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Article VI: Voting Members Nomination Process

Annually, the PAG will solicit, through the HSPAC and PAG membership those assigned as primary members to each PAG (see Article III, Section 6), nominations for VM vacancies on the PAG. Self-nominations are acceptable and will be solicited. The current PAG voting membership will anonymously vote on the nominations.

This nomination process shall be conducted so that the nomination package is available for the PAG Chair’s final approval and concurrence from HSPAC Chair and CPO through the HSPAC Membership Subcommittee no less than 60 calendar days prior to the expiration of the regular term of the member (at the end of the calendar year).

The nomination process should follow with timeline for nominations of the HSPAC through the HSPAC Membership Subcommittee, as per Sections 1 of Article III and IV.

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Article VII: Duties of Officers

Sec 1: HSPAG Chair

The PAG Chair is responsible for leading the PAG in fulfilling its mission as stated in Article II. When representing the PAG, the Chairperson will act in the best interest of the PAG. Term of the Chair: The Chair will serve a one (1) year term. The PAG Chair’s duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Ensure the mission, goals, objectives and functions of the PAG Uniform Bylaws and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are accomplished;
  • Present at PAG meetings and work with the Executive Secretary to coordinate the meeting agenda and agenda topics;
  • Monitor all subgroups’ functions and appoint members to chair subgroups;
  • Attend Chief Professional Officer/HSPAC Chair meetings;
  • Guide efforts to influence policy development affecting Health Services personnel including utilization, training, recruitment, orientation, compensation, professionalism, and award recognition
  • Provide advice and consultation to the HSPAC Chair on matters related to professional activities and personnel issues affecting Health Services professionals;
  • Establish and maintain close relationships with representatives from other PAGs/PACs and consulting with those organizations, as necessary, to ensure the attainment of PHS mission, vision and objectives;
  • Represent the PAG in CC and professional organization settings;
  • Orient new PAG members; having custody of the PAG Uniform By-Laws and all other records and documents of the PAG;
  • Maintain the PAG membership roster list comprised of telephone numbers, and work e-mail addresses;
  • Maintain formal copies of the PAG meeting minutes;
  • Collaborate on activities across PAG Subgroups and HSPAC Subcommittees;
  • Collaborate across PHS and professional organizations on discipline-specific issues;
  • Regularly communicate with HSPAC Chair and/or CPO;
  • Coordinate speakers and agenda for the PAG meetings.

Sec 2: HSPAG Chair-Elect

The primary duty of the Chair-Elect is to acquaint him/herself with the ongoing business of the HSPAC and the duties of the Chair to ensure a smooth transition when the Chair-Elect assumes the office of Chair. The Chair-Elect will assist the Chair in the execution of PAG business, as described in Section 1 of this Article. These duties include representing the Chair at the PAG meetings in their absence and actively participate with the Chair in fulfilling the PAG mission.

The Chair elect is also responsible for Chairing the Policy Subgroup during their Chair-Elect year. The Chair-Elect will be elected by the voting membership of the PAG, usually 90-days prior to end of the calendar year.

The Chair-elect will serve a one (1) year term before assuming the duties of the PAG Chair.

Sec 3: HSPAG Executive Secretary

The Executive Secretary is responsible for PAG records and correspondence. The Executive Secretary keeps an accurate record of the meetings and activities of the PAG and is responsible for recording PAG member attendance at scheduled meetings. The Executive Secretary also assists the PAG Chair with orienting new PAG members and officers in their duties and responsibilities and other administrative tasks.

The PAG Executive Secretary is not a voting member position and can be filled by an assigned primary member of the PAG (Article III, Section 1). The Executive Secretary is appointed annually by the PAG Chair. Terms are one year but can be renewed by the next PAG Chair on an annual basis.

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Article VIII Operations and Procedures

Sec. 1  Operational Year

Each PAG begins the term of its operational year each January through December. Meetings will be held, at a minimum, every other month, starting in January. The time of the meeting is set by the PAG Chair with agreement of the majority of the voting members.

An Executive Secretary must be present (on call or in-person) at each PAG meeting. If the regularly appointed Executive Secretary is absent, the PAG Chairperson will appoint a temporary recorder from the voting membership present. PAG meeting minutes will be drafted and disseminated to all members of the PAG for review no later than four (4) weeks after the meeting. Members have two (2) weeks to submit corrections or comments. PAG meeting minutes are then formally adopted by vote at the next PAG meeting. The PAG Chairperson is responsible for the above time allotments.

The PAG Executive Secretary will maintain a permanent file of the official minutes, attendance records, and reports of the PAG. PAG minutes are published on the PAG website within two weeks of formal approval. The Executive Secretary is responsible for sending the PAG minutes to the HSPAC Communication Subcommittee’s Website Team Lead for timely posting to the HSPAC website

A quorum will consist of at least 50 percent attendance, either in person, by telephone or by videoconference, of the PAG’s voting membership. An alternate attending in lieu of the member shall be counted in determining the quorum requirement. A formalized count of members in favor should be included in meeting minutes.

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Article IX: HSPAG Subgroups

Each HSPAG will operate under three major Categories, with corresponding subcommittees

  • Operations Category – Awards Subgroup, Communications Subgroup and, Stakeholder and Community Engagement Subgroup;
  • Officer Support Category - Recruitment Subgroup (ad hoc), Education, Training, & Mentorship Subgroup, Technical Readiness Subgroup, and Data & Evaluation Subgroup;
  • Management Category – Policy Subgroup, and Administrative Management Subgroup. See Appendix A for PAG org chart template.

All the PAG subgroups will be working hand-in-hand with the PAC subcommittees to fulfill the below subgroup duties. PAGs will focus on the discipline-related aspects of their activities so that there will no overlap with the PAC subcommittees.

All PAG Subgroup Chairs shall be appointed by the PAG Chair. PAG Subgroup Chairs must be voting members of the PAG and are required to deliver both an electronic version and verbal Subgroup Status Report at each PAG meeting. Duties of each PAG Subcommittee are found in the following sections.

Sec 1: Operations – Communications Subgroup

  • Collaborate with the HSPAC Communication Subcommittee to communicate all HSPAC and PHS information and directly disseminate discipline-specific information to their membership.
  • Maintain discipline-specific (post new documents, archive older documents, and keep all links up-to-date) on their PAG website and meet HSPAC deadlines
  • Responsible for the PAG newsletter, template management, developing and managing the PAG annual calendar of events that be posted on the HSPAC calendar.

Sec 2: Operations – Stakeholder and Community Engagement Subgroup

  • Manage activities within the communities such as presentations at secondary schools and institutions of higher education, health fares, and other civic events
  • Foster and manage relationships with the professional organizations such as those represented by the membership in the PAG, sister military organizations, and academia
  • Share community and stakeholder engagement lessons learned for other PAGs

Sec 3: Officer Support – Recruitment and Retention Subgroup (ad hoc)

  • The Recruitment & Retention Subgroup is an ad hoc Subgroup and can be filled with a non-voting member.
  • Not all disciplines recruit or review applicants on an annual basis. This subgroup is stood up only during the time the recruitment and application review process for new officers in a specific PAG. Since this is an ad hoc subgroup, the Chair for this subgroup can be a non-VM member selected by the PAG Chair.
  • Responsible for reviewing the application packet from potential candidates when there is an open application cycle in partnership with the HSPAC Recruitment and Retention Subcommittee.

Sec 4: Officer Support – Education, Training & Mentorship Subgroup

  • Provide discipline-specific continuing education and trainings to ensure officers remain current in their discipline
  • Collaborate with the HSPAC Mentoring Subcommittee to identify disciplinespecific mentors based on several factors such as agency, gender, rank, discipline, geographic location, etc, as a component of the HSPAC Mentoring Program

Sec 5: Officer Support – Technical Readiness Subgroup

  • Determine what discipline-specific knowledge and skills an officer needs in order to successfully deploy based on their qualifying degree or discipline. PAG officers are expected to be able to effectively function during their deployment as their qualifying degree dictates hence, technical readiness
  • Serve as primary source of discipline-specialty information and training on response and deployment roles for the PAG, HSPAC, and CC
  • Provide discipline-specific training response and readiness training opportunities
  • Disseminate information to the PAG on critical RedDOG readiness policies and information through the HSPAC Readiness Subcommittee and PAG Communication Subgroup/HSPAC Communication Subcommittee
  • Initiate other readiness and response projects as assigned by the PAG Chair and HSPAC Readiness Subcommittee
  • and HSPAC Readiness Subcommittee • Collaborate and coordinate activities with the HSPAC Readiness Subcommittee.

Sec 6: Officer Support – Data & Evaluation Subgroup

  • Provide data and analytics support to the PAG
  • Collaborate with the HSPAC Analytics Subcommittee to develop, disseminate, and analyze surveys and other data from the PAG
  • Provide support or discipline-specific expertise to the HSPAC Analytics subcommittee

Sec 7: Management – Policy Subgroup

  • Conduct an annual review and provide comments on discipline-specific PHS appointment standards, licensure, certifications requirements, and other discipline specific needs
  • Address, revise, update, and recommend PAG/HSPAC/CC policy-related issues, and develop white papers and decision memos on behalf of the PAG to the HSPAC Policy and Procedures Subcommittee
  • Review and update PAG SOP and provide input on revision of the Uniform PAG Bylaws each year

Sec 8: Management – Administrative Management Subgroup

  • Solicit for new PAG members and manage the VM nomination/selection process
  • Maintain the PAG Listserv and official membership roster (i.e., maintain an up-to-date list of all subscribers)

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Article X: Rules of Order

The general procedures for HSPAG meetings will follow the “Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised” on parliamentary procedure, insofar as they do not conflict with any provisions of the HSPAC Charter and these Bylaws.

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Article XI: Amendments

These Uniform PAG Bylaws apply to all PAGs in the HSPAC, with the exception of the Psychology PAG. Amendments to these Uniform Bylaws can only be made when the amendment(s) apply to all PAGs. In such case, a combined all-PAGs memo with requested amendments must be provided to the HSPAC Chair. The memo must also include approval signatures from all PAG Chairs. The amendment memo will be forwarded to the HSPAC Chair through the HSPAC Policy and Procedure Subcommittee. The HSPAC Policy and Procedures Subcommittee will then forward to HSPAC VMs for their review, voting, and approval. HSPAC VMs will have at least five (5) business days to review prior to a vote. Approved amendments to the Uniform PAG Bylaws will be distributed to all HSPAC Voting Members, as well as the PAG Chairs, and the HSPAC Communications Subcommittee will post the amended Uniform PAG Bylaws to the HS Category website.

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Appendix A: Uniform HSPAG Organizational Structure Template
Appendix A

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