Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee

MLSPAG Newsletters

We would love to broadcast a milestone, recognize your accomplishment, or share an experience you had. Get your colleagues into the spotlight and write about them. All ideas and topics are welcomed; it doesn’t have to focus on work or PHS activities only. Just send enough details and the editors will build the story for you.

The newsletter is a chance to increase Esprit de Corps and professional recognition.

The MLSPAG newsletter will be distributed three times per year (Spring, Summer/Fall, and End of Year).

Send your thoughts, suggestions, or a brief synopsis of a proposed article to the newsletter editors at CDR June Germain or LCDR Jacqueline Kouadio

Here is your chance to shine!

Thank you,
CDR June Germain
LCDR Jacqueline Kouadio

2019 Newsletters

Page Last Modified on 3/9/2020

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