Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee

2023 HSPAC Membership Subcommittee - Active Participant Database (APD)

Subcommittee Charge

  • To optimize membership and productivity of the HSPAC, the APD Team has been charged with developing a database that will streamline the process of integrating Officers into assignments on the PAC by developing, updating and sharing a vacancy list
  • The APD will also be used to produce Certificates of Appreciation (COA) in collaboration with the COA Program Team for active participation on the HSPAC

Submit Position Updates

HSPAC Subcommittee’s should submit a request to update the Active Participant Database and Webpage by sending position information to the HSPAC Membership Subcommittee Mailbox: .

HSPAC Volunteer Position Vacancy Report



Position Name

Number of Vacancies


Analytics Reports Team Volunteer 2
Communications News You Can Use Team Volunteer 4
Communications YouTube Lead Volunteer 1
Events Planning/Support Volunteer 3 CDR David Schwab (; LT Rogenia Parker (
Membership Executive Secretary Volunteer 1 
Mentoring CADTMI SOP Workgroup Volunteer 1 LCDR Nicole Pascua (; LCDR Renee Cannon ( 
Mentoring CADTMI Matching Workgroup Volunteer 2 LCDR Nicole Pascua (; LCDR Renee Cannon ( 
Mentoring CADTMI Data Management Workgroup Volunteer 2 LCDR Nicole Pascua (; LCDR Renee Cannon ( 
Mentoring CADTMI Training Workgroup Member  Volunteer 2 LCDR Nicole Pascua (; LCDR Renee Cannon ( 
Mentoring CADTMI Communications Workgroup Volunteer 1 LCDR Nicole Pascua (
Policy & Procedures Training and Outreach Co-Lead Volunteer 1 LCDR Eileen Bosso (; CAPT Kari Irvin
Policy & Procedures Communications Co-Lead Volunteer 1 LCDR Eileen Bosso (; CAPT Kari Irvin
Policy & Procedures Policy Management Co-Lead Volunteer 1 LCDR Eileen Bosso (; CAPT Kari Irvin
Readiness Policy and Procedures Policy Reviewer 2 CDR Iris Valentine-Bon (
Readiness Basic Readiness Outreach Push-up Challenge Support 2

Page Last Modified on 7/28/2023

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