Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee

HSPAC Membership Subcommittee

Subcommittee Charge

  • To annually solicit, screen, nominate, and process applicants for voting PAC member slots.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the CPO, Chair, or Vice-Chair.

Executive Committee

Committee Name Agency
Chair LCDR Danielle Kelly FDA
Co-Chair CDR Erica Ruchard HHS

Non-voting Members

Name Agency
CDR Tiffany Taliaferro FDA
CDR Mark Agnello FDA
CDR Marquita Burnett HHS
CDR Taran Pierce CDC
LCDR Mark Downing IHS
LCDR Ben Humrighouse CDC
LT Brenda Steiger IHS

Page Last Modified on 8/11/2023

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