Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee

HSPAC Policy Subcommittee Goals/Objectives FY2021

    1.      Goal: Ensure PAC Awareness of All New and Updated Policies  


    a.      Update the Policy Reference Guide 

    b.       Provide monthly updates to News you Can Use and quarterly Policy Corner Submissions

    2.      Goal: Ensure clear operating procedures are maintained among the PAC and PAGs.


    a.      Develop a timeline for initiating HSPAG SOP template revision and drafting of the SOP milestones to delineate operations of each HSPAG.

    b.      Provide technical assistance with content development and ensure each HSPAG completes its SOPs within the established timelines set by the HSPAC Executive Board and P&P SC Leadership.

    c.      Administer HSPAG SOP review process with HSPAC Executive Board and P&P SC Leadership lead by the P&P SC Policy Management Team.

    d.      Finalize HSPAG SOP review and feedback process and prepare HSPAG SOP documents for approval by CPO and HSPAC Chair for publication.

    e.      Using SOPs, create calendar of key dates for all PAC activities

    3.      Goal: Support Pac Chair and CPP with governance and ensure HSPAC and HSPAG members are kept up to date on new and revised policies.


    a.      Provide CC policy updates through the P&P SC Policy Corner publication in the HSPAC E-newsletter publication and within the HS Category Listserv notifications.

    b.      Provide ongoing policy briefings to ensure HSPAC Voting Members are aware of policies and operating procedures that govern the HSPAC.

    c.      Provide ongoing policy briefings to ensure PAG Chairs and their Voting Members are aware of policies and operating procedures that govern the HSPAC

    d.      Review and update Bylaws and Charter

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