Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee

2023 HSPAC Policy Reference Guide

Commissioned Corps Policy Descriptions and Terminology

Directives vs. Instructions vs. Memoranda

What’s the difference?

Commissioned Corps Directives (CCDs or Directives) are broad policy issuances containing what is required by legislation, the President, or the Secretary of HHS to initiate, govern, or regulate actions or conduct by HHS organizational components or personnel within specific areas of responsibility. The Secretary will issue Directives to establish or describe policy, programs, and organizations; define missions; provide authority; and assign responsibilities.

Commissioned Corps Instructions (CCIs or Instructions) are issuances that implement the policy contained in Directives, or prescribe the manner or a specific plan or action for carrying out the policy, operating a program or activity, and assigning responsibilities. Instructions are issued by the Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH).

Personnel Policy Memorandum (PPM) is an issuance that sets forth new or revised policies for the Corps and/or provides information or Instruction(s) necessary for the proper administration and management of the Corps. PPMs are issued by the ASH due to time constraints which preclude publishing an Instruction that introduces new or revised policies. PPMs have the full force and effect of Instructions. Under the direction of the ASH, the Director of DCCPR may issue PPMs to make technical corrections to Instructions and PPMs, provide yearly updates, and make minor adjustments to policies issued by the ASH.

Personnel Operations Memorandum (POM) is an issuance that provides information and sets forth operational guidance from the Office of the Surgeon General (OSG). POMs are issued by the Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service (SG). Under the direction of the SG, the Directors of the Office of Commissioned Corps Operations, the Office of Force Readiness and Deployment, and the Office of Reserve Affairs may issue POMs to make technical corrections to POMs, provide yearly updates, and make minor adjustments to information and operational guidance issued by the SG.

The electronic Commissioned Corps Issuance System (eCCIS) is the official system for the issuance of Corps policies, procedures, standards, instructions, and information governing personnel management of the Corps. For more information on eCCIS, please visit

For information on the latest Commissioned Corps policies and guidance, please visit the CCMIS homepage at 

For specific questions related to Commissioned Corps policies, contact the CCIS policy helpdesk at or submit your questions to the HSPAC Policy and Procedures subcommittee at

Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025

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