Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Minority Officers Liaison Council

Agenda and Minutes


Month Documents Documents
February 2021 Meeting Minutes  
January 2021 Meeting Minutes  

Clink on the link provided for the 2020 compilation of minutes.

Clink on the link provided for the 2019 compilation of minutes.

Clink on the link provided for the 2018 compilation of minutes.

Clink on the link provided for the 2016 compilation of minutes.

Clink on the link provided for the 2015 compilation of minutes.

Clink on the link provided for the 2011 compilation of minutes.

Clink on the link provided for the 2010 compilation of minutes.

Clink on the link provided for the 2009 compilation of minutes.

Minutes are NOT available for 2008.

Minutes are NOT available for 2007.

Clink on the link provided for the 2006 compilation of minutes.

Page Last Modified on 3/29/2021

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