Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Scientist Professional Advisory Committee

Contact Us

For questions about the Scientist Category, Scientist Professional Advisory Committee (SciPAC), Scientist Officer website, or Scientist Officer listserv please e-mail one of the Scientist Officers below. Contact information for SciPAC subcommittee chairs and other voting members is available on the Membership webpage.

Officer Title
CAPT Sukhminder Sandhu Chief Scientist Officer
CDR Alice Shumate SciPAC Chair
CDR Colleen Scott SciPAC Secretary and Listserv contact
CDR Ruth Link-Gelles SciPAC Website Subcommittee Chair
LCDR Elizabeth Edwards SciPAC Website Subcommittee Co-Chair
LCDR Matthew Stuckey* SciPAC Website Subcommittee Co-Chair
LCDR Beth Rubenstein* SciPAC Website Subcommittee Co-Chair

 * indicates non-voting member

Scientist Category Listserv

All Scientist Officers are encouraged to subscribe to the Scientist Category listserv. The purpose of the listserv is to provide a mechanism for Scientist Officers to receive and share information relevant to the USPHS Commissioned Corps Scientist Category. The SciPAC is responsible for managing and maintaining the Scientist listserv and uses the listserv to notify officers of upcoming SciPAC meetings and events. Instructions for signing up listserv are provided on the Scientist Category listserv page.

Website Update Requests

Use the Website Change Request form for requesting new content or major revisions (e.g., posting of presentations or photographs, announcements). Requests for minor updates (e.g., officer’s rank or e-mail address) can be e-mailed to the Website Subcommittee Chair and Co-chair without the form.

Page Last Modified on 8/8/2023

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