Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Junior Officer Advisory Group


General Membership

Any junior officer at the rank of LCDR/T-O4 and below, who participates in our bi-monthly JOAG General Membership meetings is automatically considered a general member. In addition to general participation, junior officers are encouraged to actively participate by joining one of our committees or workgroups. Everyone is Welcome!

To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your email address for the JOAG Listserv, click here.

Voting Membership

JOAG serves as the voice for junior officers in the Commissioned Corps, and is responsible for advising the Surgeon General on matters that affect junior officers. Similar to our Professional Advisory Committees (PACs), JOAG is governed by voting members who serve as the leadership of our organization. See our Current Voting Member Roster.

Each PHS category is represented by one voting member with an additional 10 at-large members for a total of 21 voting members. Voting membership terms are for two years beginning in October. Additionally, voting members are eligible to run for one of the 5 positions within JOAG's Executive Committee.


Nominations for voting membership are announced by JOAG's Membership Committee via the JOAG Listserv. Although the exact number of available positions varies, typically nine to ten positions are available each year. Junior officers are encouraged to submit self-nominations for voting membership, but preference is given to those officers who are active general members with a history of JOAG participation.

2022 Voting Member Call for Nominations (PDF)

Voting Membership Application Package (PDF)

JOAG Voting Membership Candidate FAQ (PDF)

JOAG Committee Chair FAQ (PDF)


Other JOAG Leadership and Officership Opportunities

Don't wait, get involved today!!! To learn more about JOAG Committees/Workgroups click here. 2022 Supervisor Flyer 2022 Call JOAG Voting MembersJOAG Membership Application PacketJOAG Voting Member FAQ 2022 

Page Last Modified on 3/11/2022

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