Governing Documents
The JOAG governing documents establish the purposes, powers, fundamental characteristics, and general structure of JOAG. These documents include the JOAG Charter, Bylaws, and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and the JOAG Strategic Plan.
The JOAG Charter: The original charter was created by the Junior Officer Ad-Hoc Advisory Group (JOAHAG) in 1999. On December 7, 2001, VADM David Satcher, Surgeon General, officially chartered JOAG as a Commissioned Corps entity under the Office of the Surgeon General (OSG). The current version of the JOAG Charter was approved by OSG on April 5, 2016.
JOAG's Charter is the governing document that defines the purpose and structure of the JOAG. In addition, it also contains JOAG's Mission and Objective statements.
Bylaws: The JOAG Bylaws provide internal guidance for the operations, policies, and procedures of the Group. The Bylaws provide specific guidance on matters not addressed by the Surgeon General's JOAG Charter.
Strategic Plan : The Strategic Plan provides JOAG with both broad and specific goals and objectives. This document provides a plan to guide JOAG into the future. The plan is not intended to be static, but meant to be fluid. By remaining fluid we intend to provide junior officers with the information and tools necessary to meet our future head on. Part one is a public-facing document and outlines our mission and goals. Part two is an internal document housed within each committee and contains milestones and deliverables.
JOAG SOP: The JOAG Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) provides internal guidance for the operations and procedures of the JOAG Committees. These SOPs provides guidance on matters not addressed by the JOAG Charter or Bylaws.
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