Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Junior Officer Advisory Group


The JOAG Readiness and Deployment Committee, Officer Health and Fitness Promotion Team, is dedicated to providing junior officers with tips and opportunities to maintain and improve physical fitness. Please check out our fitness tips  helpful information and ideas!

Get Fit-Stay Fit!!!

Federal Employee Wellness Facility Log

Federal Employee Wellness Facility Log (Excel)

The JOAG Officer Health and Fitness Promotion (OHFP) Team developed a Federal Employee Wellness Facility Log. This log will not only serve as a resource for PHS officers to be better informed of fitness facilities and amenities available at duty stations nationwide, but it will also increase awareness of Annual Physical Fitness Test (APFT) compatible fitness facilities.

If you know of a federal facility near your duty station or any PHS duty station that you do not see represented on this log, please contact LCDR Dellarese Priester ( and LT Jessica Snukis ( so they can be added.

USPHS Commissioned Corps Smoking Cessation

USPHS Commissioned Corps Smoking Cessation website:

Step It Up! The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities

Step It Up! Surgeon General's Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities

Page Last Modified on 8/30/2024

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