Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee

Welcome to the HITPAG Page

Health Information Technology Professional Advisory Group (HITPAG) functions in a resource and advisory capacity to assist in the development, coordination, training and evaluation of activities related to the information technology professional discipline in the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Commissioned Corps. Its purpose and mission is to provide sound information and recommendations through the PAC to the Chief Health Services Professional Officer on those discipline specific and related matters that impact information technology in the USPHS.

2022 Goals:

  • Increase HITPAG visibility within Health and Human Services (HHS) and other Federal agencies to assist with the agency needs and USPHS Commissioned Corps
  • Become the focal point for the USPHS Commissioned Corps on Health Information Technology and Information Management
  • Improve information dissemination mechanism to serve all HITPAG officers 

Page Last Modified on 2/7/2023

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