Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee

Career Progression

Resources utilized for additional support documents during promotion preparation, but also can benefit an officer at any stage of their career to ensure career growth and development is managed by the officer and their supervisor and is also well documented.

HS Category Professional Core Competencies

HS Category Professional Core Competencies Documents
Document Links Description
Part 1 of 4 - Professional Core Competency Toolkit Overview of the program including roadmap, skills inventory and example of career development plan
Part 2 of 4 - Career Development Plan Template Template for creating your own Career Development Plan
Part 3 of 4 - Skills Inventory Guide to Resources Resources for skills identified under each professional core competency
Part 4 of 4 - Milestones for Building Executive Skills Breakdown of knowledge and skills for each competency into three career milestones
Professional-Core-Competency-Recording-20191217-1530-2.mp4 Recording for Professional Core Competency Program

Title Description
Taking Charge of Your Career One-pager resource that provides a brief overview of the HSPAC Core Competencies Toolkit and the USPHS Career Pathways with links to both.
PY21 Annual Accomplishments Tracking Sheet Template Tracking sheet for officers to use during the year to log accomplishments and performance
Professional Core Competencies The competencies outlined in this document have been identified by HS Category leadership as key factors in the successful development of an HS officer’s career
Webinars One-stop repository for archiving and reviewing HSPAC webinars
 PY21 Writing for Impact Guidance Document Guidance and examples to assist HSOs with writing powerful statements that captures the impact of their work

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