Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee


  1. Immunizations Overview
  2. Completing Immunizations Requirement
  3. Disclaimer

Immunizations Overview

Officers are required to have current Immunizations (8 in total) on record as one of the 7 requirements needed to achieve and maintain a basic level of readiness. Officers must acquire and submit proof of immunizations to Medical Affairs before expiration of previous immunization.

Unless a WAIVER for each specific immunization is submitted to and approved by Medical Affairs, officers are required to submit proof of the following:

List of Immunizations

  1. Influenza Vaccinations (annually, submitted before 31 Dec)
  2. Tetanus/Diphtheria (TD) (every 10 years)
  3. Tuberculosis (PPD) screening (2 options)

Option 1:

Two negative tuberculin skin tests within 12 months OR one negative IGRA test result = No additional annual testing required; or

Option 2:

Annual tuberculin skin test

Complete series OR positive titer for the following:

  1. Hepatitis A (2 immunizations)
  2. Hepatitis B (3 immunizations)
  3. Measles (2 immunizations), Mumps & Rubella (1 immunization each) (MMR)
  4. Varicella (chickenpox) (2 immunizations)
  5. COVID-19 (1 or 2 immunizations depending on the vaccine) - Requests for religious exceptions to the COVID vaccine requirement should be directed to Corps Care,


The pneumococcal vaccine is not required but is recommended for officers who meet the definition of "high risk".


Completing Immunizations Requirement

Proof of Immunization must be submitted using the eDOC-U self-service tool.

Please note: You must ensure that a complete date (mm/dd/yyyy) is documented on each vaccination and medical record. For vaccine series, ensure there are separate dates listed for each vaccine dose. Titers should be recorded as positive, immune, or give a numerical value; the terms “non-reactive, negative or equivocal, or non-susceptible” are not acceptable for titer documentation. For tuberculin skin testing, a dated negative result is required.

To submit your immunization documentation

UPLOAD (do not fax or mail) your immunization information to the eDOC-U self-service tool

Once Medical Affairs has reviewed your documentation, MA will update your Direct Access profile (i.e., NOT RDB). Officers can check status of Immunizations in Officer Secure Area.

For the approximate processing timeline, please refer to the MA Website Immunizations page.


The HSPAC Readiness Subcommittee will make every effort to ensure the information on this site remains current. If you notice incorrect or outdated information, please send the HSPAC Readiness Chair an email. Officers, not the HSPAC Readiness Subcommittee, are responsible for checking the Readiness website to ensure they are using the most current information. Officers are strongly encouraged to frequently review RDB’s “Readiness, Down-to-Basics Document” for a current listing of all Basic Readiness requirements and detailed instructions for successfully completing each requisite for Basic Readiness.

Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025

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