Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee


  1. Licensure Overview (if applicable)
  2. Completing the Licensure Requirement
  3. Viewing Licensure Status in CCMIS
  4. Disclaimer

Licensure Overview (if applicable)

Not all HSOs are required to maintain valid licensure/certification. Those HSOs that do required a license/certification must do their due diligence to ensure they do not let their professional licensure/certification expire and follow guidance per the relevant Licensure Board(s). When applicable, officers are required to possess and maintain a current unrestricted professional license, certification, and/or registration as one of the 7 requirements needed to achieve and maintain not only a basic level of readiness but special pay, and promotion benchmarks. Licensures/certification must be renewed BEFORE the expiration of the previous licensure/certification. Therefore, officers should plan accordingly to ensure a valid license is acquired and properly documented with PHS prior to the expiration.

Each officer is responsible for maintaining their individual Basic Readiness qualifications. Officers may apply for a waiver/exemption ONLY when they are unable to meet the requirements due to a medical condition or because of an extreme hardship/deployment/international assignment.

Completing the Licensure Requirement

Officers who are required to have a valid license/certification should review the information listed on the opening page of the Secure Area of the CCMIS website, ensure that:

  • A copy of most recent license/certification is in the eOPF,
  • PIR correctly reflects a compliant status, and
  • Current license/certification is reflected in the Officer Secure Area.

Step 1. You must upload your license, certification, and/or registration prior to expiration of the previous licenses to eOPF using the eDOC-U self-service tool. For more information please go to: and

  • Don’t forget to include your PHS number!
  • Once processed, a copy should appear in your eOPF.

Step 2. For any questions regarding licensure and certification renewals, please email

Viewing Licensure Status in CCMIS (i.e., eOPF, PIR)

Step 1. Log into the Officer Secure Area of the CCMIS website

Step 2. At the bottom of the opening page, review the following sections:

  1. Current Licensure Status: Should read “Compliant”
  2. Current License Expiration Date on Record: Should read “Not Applicable” or include date of expiration.

Step 3. Review PIR (Promotion Information Report) to ensure Licensure/Certification is properly reflected under the “General Information” section of the PIR. To access your PIR, you must log in to your eOPF in the Officer Secure Area. You will see an option that says “View PIR” immediately below the “OPF Section” selection pane.

Step 4. If you discover an error regarding your licensure in your eOPF, please contact


The HSPAC Readiness Subcommittee will make every effort to ensure the information on this site remains current. If you notice incorrect or outdated information, please send the HSPAC Readiness Chair an email. Officers, not the HSPAC Readiness Subcommittee, are responsible for checking the Readiness website to ensure they are using the most current information. Officers are strongly encouraged to frequently review RDB’s “Readiness, Down-to-Basics Document” for a current listing of all Basic Readiness requirements and detailed instructions for successfully completing each requisite for Basic Readiness.

Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025

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