Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Dietitian Professional Advisory Committee



        Photo of RDs from Nutrition Renal Support Team 2017                RDs deployed for hurricane relief fall 2017

USPHS RDs on deployment to Atlanta, GA for Hurricane Relief efforts, Fall 2017

The Diet-PAC Readiness & Deployment Subcommittee exists to assist all dietitian officers to obtain and maintain basic readiness and optimize the preparedness of Dietitians to serve during public health emergencies.  We work closely with the Diet-PAC Chair to collaborate with the Readiness and Deployment Branch (RDB) for guidance and support on issues related to dietitian readiness and deployment roles. 

We currently have four workgroups whereby committee members work to ensure information and resources are accurate and up-to-date.

Deployment Chronicles Workgroup

Organize & prepares short descriptions of dietitian deployments and experiences. Works collaboratively with Readiness Deployment Branch to track and support dietitians during deployment.

  • Traditional and Non-traditional Deployment Roles - A collection of narratives from officers regarding their recent response and deployment activities.
  • Deployment Activities – Maintains a high level overview and summary of dietitian response efforts and activities on a yearly basis.
  • Provides a year-end summary of all dietitian deployments to Diet-PAC Chair and CPO for record.
  • (Quarterly or Bi-Annually) Presentation to Diet-PAC – “Spotlight on Dietitian Public Health Response".

Deployment Resources Workgroup

  • Deployment Nutrition Guide (2nd Edition)
  • Dietitian PAC Readiness Guide (pdf)
  • General Packing List (pdf)
  • Nutrition Education Cache (in collaboration with Wellness SC)
    • Nutrition Education Toolkits - kept at RDB for distribution during deployments - workgroups should coordinate with POC at RDB for ensuring toolkits are stocked with needed materials and ready for use.
  • Deployment Preparation (Courtesy of Pharmacy PAC)
  • Family Care Planning Tips & Reminders (pdf) - currently under development
  • RD Deployment Guide 2021

Readiness Resources Workgroup

Workgroup ensures new or revised CCHQ policy updates regarding readiness initiatives and standards are ready and available to all dietitian officers.  

  • Readiness Essentials
  • PHS Basic Readiness Standards
  • Field Medical Readiness Badge (FMRB)
    • With Exception of the 4 FEMA courses, complete all required training courses posted within Responder e-Learn portal (link on CCMIS website, within the "Login" drop-down menu) or access these courses by visiting the Responder e-learn website:  
    • Twelve courses/modules are required for BASIC Level of Readiness.
    • An additional 23 courses/modules are required for the FMRB.
    • The Dietitian category is considered to be a clinical category, therefore an additional 15 clinical related courses are required.
    • Final PDF document pending...

Standard Operating Procedures Procedures (SOP) Workgroup  

Workgroup ensures subcommittee operating procedures are organized to achieve efficiency, quality output and uniformity of performance.  Leads efforts to ensure Readiness and Deployment Subcommittee SOP documents are updated and shared with the Policy and Procedure Subcommittee as scheduled. 

  • Maintains an archive of previous SOPs

    Readiness Subcommittee Chair

    LCDR Tara Lemons

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