Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Dietitian Professional Advisory Committee

Dietitian of the Year


YEAR - 2019

Senior Dietitian of the Year

CAPT Graydon Yatabe, Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Junior Dietitian of the Year

LCDR Purdy

LCDR Kristie Purdy, Indian Health Service

Responder Dietitian of the Year

LCDR Patricia Ellis, Food and Drug Administration

YEAR - 2018

Senior Dietitian of the Year

CDR Dimeris

    CDR Heather Dimeris, Health Resources and Services Administration

Junior Dietitian of the Year

LT Martin-Braswell

    LT Lusi Martin-Braswell, Health Resources and Services Administration

Responder Dietitian of the Year

LT Riojas

    LT Brenda Riojas, Indian Health Service


Awards and Recognition Subcommittee Chair
LCDR Rogelio Ruvalcaba

Website Edits/Suggestions?: E-mail


Page Last Modified on 10/15/2020

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