Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee

2023 PHPAG Roster

Executive Team

Role Name Agency
Chair LCDR Ayana Stanley * CDC
Chair-elect LT Marien Wiley * CDC
Executive Secretary LCDR Desiree Brown CDC
Advisor CDR Charlotte Kabore * CDC


Role Name Agency
Administrative Management Chair LCDR Kimberly Bissohong * FDA
Administrative Management Co-Chair LCDR Jamar Barnes CDC
Awards Chair LCDR Kimberly Goodwin * CDC
Awards Co-Chair LCDR Katrina Sloan CDC
Communications Chair CDR Lindsay Hatch * FDA
Communications Co-Chair CDR Oluwamurewa (Murewa) Oguntimein FDA
Data & Evaluation Chair CDR Gerald Brozyna * CMS
Data & Evaluation Co-Chair CDR Lynda Bishop HRSA
Education, Training & Mentorship Chair LCDR Tchernavia Gregory * CDC
Education, Training & Mentorship Co-Chair LCDR Annette Atoigue FDA
Policy Chair LT Marien Wiley * CDC
Policy Co-Chair CDR Adriane Niare CDC
Recruitment & Retention Chair CAPT Antoinette Percy-Laurry * NIH

Recruitment & Retention Co-Chair

CDR Gustavo Ceinos DHS
Stakeholder & Community Engagement Chair LCDR Valerie Albrecht * CDC
Stakeholder & Community Engagement Co-Chair LCDR Jennifer.Cheng-Dobson FDA
Technical Readiness Chair LCDR Jamar Barnes * CDC
Technical Readiness Co-Chair CDR Antoine Smith CDC

Public Health Teams

Role Name Agency
Epidemiology  Team Co-Lead CAPT Julie Erb-Alvarez NIH
Epidemiology  Team Co-Lead CDR Lazenia Harris CDC
Generalist Team Co-Lead CDR Christopher Lim HRSA
Generalist Team Co-Lead CDR Karina Aguilar SAMHSA
Global Health Team Co-Lead CDR Alyson Rose-Wood CDC
Global Health Team Co-Lead LCDR Felicia Warren CDC
Health Promotion & Health Education Team Co-Lead LT Jeff Walker CDC
Health Promotion & Health Education Team Co-Lead LT LaToya Jacobs-Kibble DHS
Mentoring LCDR Jennifer Weekes ICE

*-Voting Member

Page Last Modified on 2/13/2023

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