Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Physician Professional Advisory Committee

Recruitment Subcommittee

  • Mission:To improve Corps medical officer recruitment by working with CPO to develop recruitment strategies and materials; advising the CPO on medical officer recruitment issues; and providing volunteers for local, state, regional, and national Corps recruitment activities.


  • Recent/Current activities
    • Prepare and update long-term and short-term recruitment strategies
    • Serve as liaison between DCCPR and PPAC
      • Provide comments on criteria and process for recruiting Medical Officers
      • Co-chairs previously participated in inter-category Call to Active Duty (CAD) Team organized by DCCPR (now inactive)
    • Provide consultation to physicians at various stages in the application/CAD process
    • Prepare and update recruitment materials
    • Give presentations about the Commissioned Corps at professional conferences, medical schools, and residency programs
      • No funding available, so must take advantage of convenient opportunities
    • Medical Student Awards Strike Team
      • Started with 10 medical schools in 2012, expanded to 57 medical schools in 2015 
  • Meeting Schedule
    • Ad hoc conference calls
    • Most communication takes place over e-mail 
  • Current Needs
    • Officers willing to serve as points of contact for specific medical schools and/or residency programs (especially in locations with no or few other medical officers) 

Power Point Presentation: Physician Opportunities in the USPHS Part 1

Power Point Presentation: Physician Opportunities in the USPHS Part 2

Page Last Modified on 11/16/2015

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