Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Physician Professional Advisory Committee

Retirement Subcommittee


Co-chairs:  CDR Glen MacPherson

CDR Kara Tardivel



  • To facilitate, improve, and inform the retirement process and end state for Commissioned Corps physicians


  • Resource
    • Serve as liaisons to the Separations Team
    • Provide sign posts of informational sources
  • Inform
    • Communicate to PHS physicians retirement news
    • Provide tools to conceptually quantify
      • the value of PHS retirement
      • future PHS retirement options
    • Advocate
      • Advance positions for greater PPAC review/endorsement that promote retirement interests

 Action Items

  • Integrate with Separations Team
    • Provide input to service-wide poll January 2016
    • Attend their retirement seminar
  • Refine mission based on poll findings
  • Monitor legislative change to DoD retirement system
  • Provide tool to evaluate/inform choices associated with options of new retirement system
  • Communicate with membership
    • introduce subcommittee
    • know where/how to find us
    • when opportunities to provide value arise

 Subcommittee Plans

  • Membership limited to 2 co-chairs by design
    • Subject to change based on mission requirements
  • Meetings to be held ad hoc
    • Not less often than monthly


Presentation on Retirement by the SC

Page Last Modified on 6/21/2016

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