Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Engineer Professional Advisory Committee

Chair:  CDR Gary Riley

Vice Chair:  LCDR William Chang

Meeting Information

  • Join on computer or call-in:  2nd Monday of Odd Months, 1400-1430 ET
    • MS Teams (202) 991-0477,  Meeting ID:  366 868 759#
  • Email update:  2nd Monday of Even Months, COB

Subcommittee Documents

Workgroups & Functions

EPAC Content Management Workgroup:

  • Information Content: Maintains, receives, and updates website change requests from the other Subcommittees.  
  • Innovation/Development: Develops and creates new web pages, graphic designs, and photo imagery.

EPAC Newsletter Workgroup:

  • Newsletter Publisher: Publishes EPAC Newsletter bi-annually and solicits/receives article submissions and reviews/edits for spring and fall publications.

Other Work Leads

Please contact Information Subcommittee Chair, CDR Gary Riley or Vice Chair, LCDR William Chang for EPAC Information Subcommittee related questions or if interested in participating.

Please email for change requests/updates to the EPAC Website.

Page Last Modified on 9/19/2023

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