Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Health Services Officer Professional Advisory Committee

Health Services Senior Officer Consortium

The Senior Officer Consortium (SOC) serves on the behalf of the Health Services Chief Professional Officer (CPO). The appointed senior officers will provide information relevant to the entire category and serves to support and advise the CPO.  

The mission of the SOC is to support the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) subcommittees and Professional Advisory Groups (PAGs). This support is provided from senior officers who are members of the SOC across the category as requested, or as solicited by the subcommittees and PAGs. The SOC is responsible for increasing senior Health Services Officer involvement in leadership, mentorship and officership through specialized activities, projects and initiatives.

The goal of the SOC is to support and advise the HS CPO, and promote and organize sustained senior officer engagement in Health Services Category initiatives.

SOC Membership as of March 2023


Additional resources:

SOC 101 Seminar (October 2020)

Page Last Modified on 3/14/2023

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