Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Dental Professional Advisory Committee


Communication Workgroup

Chair – CDR Amber Foster -  
Co-Chair –  LCDR David Lam -  

Who We Are and What We Do:

The Communication Workgroup of the Dental Professional Advisory Committee (DePAC) was developed to improve communication between the Dental Professional Advisory Committee and USPHS Dental Officers in the field. Members of the Communication WG are dentists from various federal government agencies and can be USPHS officers, civilians, or tribal employees. The Communication WG uses several tools to disseminate information to officers stationed in various duty sites nationwide.  The Communication WG and the newsletter editors are responsible for the semi-annual publication of the Dental Newsletter, updating the content of the Dental Category Website, and managing the Dental Bulletin board Listserv.

USPHS Dental Newsletter:

The newsletter is an important means of disseminating a wide array of information to officers in the field. Issues are to be published each year with main cover stories relating to the annual ADA convention and the annual Commissioned Officers Scientific and Training Symposium. CDR Brownlee and LCDR Abernathey serve as the editors of the newsletter.

Dental Category Website:

The Dental Category Website is utilized to disseminate information and archives news, announcements, publications, and DePAC activities. The link to the Dental PAC website is:

Dental Bulletin Board Listserv:

The purpose of the listserv was multifold: 1) to provide a communications tool for the DePAC to quickly disseminate important information to dentists assigned to each USPHS agency; 2) to allow for discussion of important dental issues that affect our clinical practices: 3) to provide a single place to get pertinent information from a variety of agencies and organizations.

Social Media Team:

The Social Media team promotes the use of currently available social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, as a tool to improve communication within the category, with other USPHS Officers, and with the public.   This team developed the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Social Media Policy to provide guidance for using social media following HHS policies and direction.  Additional resources are listed below:

Link to Social Media Workgroup Standard Operating Procedures


Check out the DePAC Facebook page to learn more about our category.

DePAC on Instagram

Check out the DePAC Instagram page to learn more about our category.

Social Media Resources

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