Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Dental Professional Advisory Committee



What We Do:

The Recruitment Workgroup of the Dental Professional Advisory Committee (DePAC) focuses on utilizing innovative strategies for recruiting and retaining dentists to agencies staffed by the United States Public Health Service.  Our membership is comprised of dentists who work in various federal government agencies. 

  1. Compile and disseminate a monthly listing of all reported dentist position vacancies within agencies in which USPHS dentists serve.
  2. Maintain a persistent presence on various dental websites to provide information and updates on USPHS activities in addition to answering questions about service as a Commissioned Officer (Active Duty or Reserve), federal civilian, direct tribal hire, or contract dentist.
  3. Assist highly motivated dental professionals with recruitment activities.
  4. Organize and volunteer for recruitment activities whenever possible.  USPHS dentists can be found recruiting and networking at organized dentistry conferences, promoting oral health at community PACE events, participating in virtual student career fairs, and sharing their knowledge and expertise on national advisory and policy boards.
  5. Serve as a resource for dental students and dentists who are considering careers in public health dentistry. Our aim is to afford potential applicants a greater understanding of the rewarding employment opportunities and experiences USPHS dentists enjoy while serving in various government agencies across the United States.

Recruiting Resources:

Dental Officer Presentation:
USPHS Dental Webpage: 
Best Kept Secrets:

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