Minority Initiatives Subcommittee
Minority Initiatives Subcommittee
Chair – CDR Joseph Grant, III - Joseph.Grant@uscg.mil
CAPT Nixon Roberts - nroberts@bop.gov
CDR Abby Shannon - Abby.J.Shannon@uscg.mil
CDR James Dixon - J4dixon@bop.gov
CDR Ling Ye - Ling.Ye.mil@health.mil
LCDR Angela Aldrich - Aaldrich@hrsa.gov
LCDR Jake Choi - Jake.Choi@ihs.gov
LCDR Michael Goins - Michael.Goins@uscg.mil
LCDR Jean Kang - Jean.Kang@uscg.mil
LCDR David Lam - David.Lam2@uscg.mil
The Minority Initiatives Sub-Committee (MIS) provides advice and consultation to the Dental professional Advisory Committee (DePAC) on issues related to the professional practices and personnel activities of Civil Service and Commissioned Corps minority dental professionals. In carrying out its responsibilities, MIS operates in a staff capacity and does not substitute for line management or in any way exercise the prerogatives of the operating programs. While its members are chosen from the respective PHS agencies and organizations, they neither represent agency management nor speak for the agency. They are knowledgeable health professionals who represent a cross section of the interests, concerns, and organizations staffed by PHS personnel. In addition to the above mentioned items, the MIS serves to provide DePAC with recommendations and advice, acts as a resource to DePAC for career development of minority dental professionals, and also provides advice and assistance to DePAC.
- Identify and facilitate resolution of issues of concern as they relate to USPHS and Civil Service minority dentists and their professional areas.
- Assess USPHS personnel needs and assist in meeting those needs through activities in recruitment, training, utilization, and recognition of minority dentists.
- Develop position papers, statistical reports, and/or guidelines where appropriate, to advise and comment on matters relating to the personnel issues and professional practices of minority dentists.
- Promote the development and utilization of minority professionals by the USPHS and other governmental programs.
- Promote cooperation and communication among minority dentists and professional organizations.
- Act as a liaison for minority dentists within and among USPHS components.
- Provide representatives from MIS to other DePAC subcommittees to assure that minority issues are addressed within those committees.
Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025