Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Dental Professional Advisory Committee

Mentoring & Retention

Mentoring & Retention Workgroup


Chair - LCDR Cam-Van Huynh -  
Co-Chair - CDR Laura Hain -  
CAPT Kevin Zimmerman -  
CAPT Robert Lloyd -  
CAPT Rodica Popescu -  
CAPT Lucia Nascimento - 
CDR Chien Lee - 
CDR Cara Ortega -  
CDR Anna Woods - 
CDR Scott Williams -  
LCDR Nhi Huynh -  
LCDR Max Klingenstein - 
LCDR Angela Aldrich -  

Who We Are and What We Do:
The purpose of the Dental Professional Advisory Committee (DePAC) Commissioned Corps Mentoring & Retention Workgroup is to provide a mechanism for transferring the accumulated career knowledge and experience of senior officer mentors to junior officer protégés and make recommendations to Chief Professional Officer /DePAC on items that reflect the retention of USPHS Dental Officers.  The intent of the workgroup is promote officer wellness in nurturing work/life balance, including harmonizing family needs with USPHS career and provide career guidance with special attention to the provision of assistance with working toward meeting promotion precepts.

Dental Mentoring Program gives officers the opportunity to grow personally and to help strengthen the Commissioned Corps in future years either as a Protégé or as a Mentor.

Dental Category Resource Manual and Quick Reference Guides is a comprehensive resource manual. The material is organized by topic and easy to access. Pertinent Corps policies are explained and have corresponding hyperlinks to reference documents and web pages.

Supervisors Guide for Commissioned Officers - the purpose of this guide is to serve as a resource for supervisors of U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps officers.  It should be utilized as a high-level overview and a reference on a few of the key unique components related to supervising an officer and focuses on the important role a supervisor plays in supporting the growth and development of officers throughout their careers. 

Tips & Tricks:

The Mentoring & Retention Workgroup distributes tips and tricks for your success as dental officers and to assist in making the most of your career. While promotion has been a central topic, we also encourage dental officers to connect with other professionals through PHS and non-PHS organizations, experience smoother transitions when moving, and live a healthier lifestyle. Please utilize the links below to view our archived tips and tricks to enhance your career as a dental professional and USPHS officer.

Page Last Modified on 1/9/2025

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