Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Black Commissioned Officers Advisory Group

Awards Committee

  • Chair:        LCDR Isaac Ampadu
  • Co-Chair:  LCDR Casmir Ogbonna 


    The Awards Committee conducts the awards review and selection process and presents the names of the selected nominees to the BCOAG Chair. The BCOAG Chair forwards the names of the selected nominees to the Office of the Surgeon General for final approval.

    Awards Review Program:

    The BCOAG Awards Review Program is a collaboration between the Career and Professional Development and the Awards Committees. The purpose of the Awards Review Program is to provide valuable input to help strengthen and improve award narratives for PHS and non-PHS awards.  It was officially launched in June 2013. 

    Officers are encouraged to submit award narratives for review before submitting for award approval. Interested officers should use the following Instructions and Coverpage to submit their award narrative.

    Officers must use the preferred format for submissions and allow up to three weeks for review. Award narratives will be reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers from a pool of retired and senior officers from several agencies. Reviewers will provide comments and questions to consider for improving the award narrative. Comments provided by reviewers are not an assurance that the officer will be granted an award. 

     For additional information or questions, please email

    Call for Volunteers:

    • Junior and Senior Officers to assist with BCOAG Annual Awards Review. From March to June annually. No experience required for position.

    Helpful Tools for BCOAG Members:

    A BCOAG appointed representative should complete this form and submit it within 10 business days of completing a BCOAG event to

      Voting members:  Please use this form to record time spent on BCOAG related activities during your voting term (from the date of appointment through the end of your voting term).

      If you would like additional information about this Committee, please contact the Committee Chair, LCDR Isaac Ampadu or the Co-Chair, LCDR Casmir Ogbonna at



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