Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Black Commissioned Officers Advisory Group

Career & Professional Development

  • Chair:        CDR Kevan Lee-Steele
  • Co-Chair:  LCDR Folasade Kembi

      Career and Professional Development Committee

      The Career and Development Committee is committed to serving as a resource to BCOAG members in the management and advancement of their careers.  The Career and Professional Development Committee serves as a resource to BCOAG members by utilizing a Team-centered approach.  

      The Committee is comprised of three teams. The goals of each team are listed below:

      Career and Professional Development Team

      The purpose of the Career and Professional Development (CPD) Program is to serve in a resource and advisory capacity to help guide officers in their career paths by providing career development and training information.  The CPD team oversees 2 programs, which are CV Review Program, and CV Build. The CV Review program is tailored to aide officers in creating impactful CVs that put them in a better position for promotion or job placement. The CV Build is an introductory session that provides key pearls on “HOW to create a successful PHS CV”.  

      Curriculum Vitae (CV) Resources 

      Please click here to visit the Promotion Information website if you are preparing for a temporary or permanent promotion. Please use the CV, CV Cover Page, and CE Summary Sheet template below as required for Promotion Year 2023 and highly recommended for PY2022. For more information on the standardized CV format, please go to Promotions Curriculum Vitae.

      The CPD team is a growing and innovative group looking for motivated officers to join us.  Showcase your leadership skills and join today!  For more information, please contact LT Thornell Lewis 

      Career Mapping Seminar

      BCOAG presents Beyond The Benchmarks Career Mapping Seminar 29 Aug 2023 1:00PM - 3:00PM via Zoom. More details available in the BTB 2023 Seminar Flyer.

      Promotion Packet Review:

      Do you need assistance with your Curriculum Vitae (CV), Officer Statement (OS), and draft Reviewing Official Statement (ROS)? The Black Commissioned Officer Advisory Group (BCOAG) Career and Professional Development (CPD) Committee is continuing the Promotion Package Review Program to provide guidance to officers in preparation for promotion and/or career development.

      Senior officers from different agencies and categories will provide feedback to officers seeking assistance. The reviews will occur from July 3, 2023, through September 25, 2023.

      Submission procedures:

      Your CV should:

        • Be current with the year noted on the document;
        • Be free of grammatical errors;
        • Clearly address each benchmark; and
        • Have clear and concise description of roles and impact – demonstrated using ‘power words/phrases’ reflective of increasing professional responsibilities and accomplishments that resulted in significant impact of OPDIV or program goals.

      Your OS should:

        • Use current year form;
        • Be free of grammatical errors;
        • Clearly show accomplishments and have impactful statements; and
        • Should address each question listed in Officer Statement Form

      Your Draft for ROS should:

        • Use current year form;
        • Be free of grammatical errors;
        • Clearly show accomplishments and have impactful statements; and
        • Should address each question listed in Reviewing Official Statement Form

      CVs, Officer Statements AND Reviewing Official Statements submitted after September 25, 2023, will not be reviewed during this review cycle. Officers may submit their documents for review no more than two times during the annual review period.

      CV submissions are limited to twelve pages.

      OS submissions are limited to one page.

      ROS submissions are limited to one page.

      If you’re an officer up for promotion and interested in receiving a promotion package review, please submit your promotion documents to AND complete the following survey:

       If you’re a senior officer interested in serving as a reviewer, please complete the following survey:

       POC: If you have questions, please contact LCDR Thornell Lewis, LCDR Warren Simmons or LT Azeezat Lawal at

      Mentoring Program Team

      The purpose of the Mentoring Program is to help facilitate the transition of new USPHS Commissioned Corps officers and to promote, support and guide the long-term career development of active duty officers through the Mentoring Program. 

      The Career and Professional Development (CPD) Committee is seeking involvement from interested members in the Mentoring Program. Members who are interested in serving as mentors and/or participating as mentees, please go to the following links to complete the application:

        Please take advantage of this opportunity for personal growth and leadership.  For more information, contact the mentoring team at

        Leader Within You Team

        The BCOAG Career and Professional Development Committee is launching a new leadership workshop titled “Leader within You”.  This workshop will consist of dynamic leadership topics that will propel BCOAG officers to their next level.   For more information, please contact Co-Leads LCDR Devin Thomas at and LT Christina Waters at


        • BCOAG Career and Professional Development Committee Meetings will be monthly. Please contact the committee chair for the conference call information.
        • All members are asked to email their attendance to the committee secretary.
        • In order to receive recognition at the end of the year for your participation, members are asked to attend at least 50% of the meetings and also an active member in one of the teams during the calendar year. 

        We are always looking for people to join us. If you are interested in joining this committee, please email the Chair, CDR Kevan Lee-Steeleor at or  the Co-Chair, LCDR Folasade Kembi at


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