Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Black Commissioned Officers Advisory Group

Behavioral Health

  • Chair:       LCDR Jennifer Weekes
  • Co-Chair: LCDR Janelle Phillip

BCOAG's Behavioral Health Ad Hoc Committee is responsible for executing the following charges and activities:

  • Support black Commissioned Corps officers experiencing personal or professional hardships through the provision of gifts of support.
  • Coordinate comprehensive dissemination of behavioral health topic fact sheets in observance of behavioral health awareness. 
  • Coordinating behavioral health presentations for BCOAG officers.

The Behavioral Health Ad Hoc Committee is comprised of the following subcommittees:

Hospitality Subcommittee

  • Receive and store all hardship requests submitted by, or on behalf of, BCOAG officers.
  • Review officer requests to determine if hardship qualifies for monetary or non-monetary support.
  • Purchase and provide BCOAG officers with support gift(s) on behalf of BCOAG.
  • Maintain support requests and purchase logs.

Fact Sheets Subcommittee

  • Review reputable sources for available behavioral health information.
  • Compose behavioral health factsheets.
  • Submit reviewed and approved factsheets for BCOAG dissemination.

Presentations Subcommittee

  • Solicit for volunteers with behavioral health professional backgrounds to present to BCOAG officers on behavioral health topics.
  • Support volunteers in identifying relevant presentation topics.
  • Coordinate presentation dates.
  • Secure and organize presentation platforms.

    Page Last Modified on 1/28/2023

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