Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service

Black Commissioned Officers Advisory Group

Charter & Bylaws

  • Chair:       LT Anthony Powell
  • Co-chair:  CDR Yvette Macklin

    The Charter and Bylaws Committee is responsible for executing the following charges and goals:

    • Review and revise the Charter every five years, and Bylaws every three years.
    • Ensure approval of all changes to the existing Charter, Bylaws and Standard Operating Procedures.
    • Prepare all member-approved changes in BCOAG Charter and submit to the BCOAG Chair to forward to the Surgeon General for final approval.

    For additional information or a copy of the BCOAG Charter and Bylaws, please visit: Charter and Bylaws.

    If you are interested in participating with the BCOAG Charter and Bylaws Committee or would like more information, please contact the Charter and Bylaws Committee Chair, LT Anthony Powell at  or the Co-chair, CDR Yvette Macklin at

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