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Volume 7, No. 11     September 19, 2011
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On or about 30 September 2011, all officers should receive a Report of Commissioned Officer Annual Leave or similar print out from the Commissioned Officer Leave Tracking System (COLTS) from their leave maintenance clerk. This information shows the balance at the beginning of the leave year, the amount of annual leave used through 30 September, and the amount of annual leave that will be forfeited if not used by 31 December 2011.

Officers are reminded that the maximum annual leave which may be carried forward from one leave year to the next is 60 days. The leave year is a calendar year, with the period beginning 1 January and ending on 31 December. The 60-day limitation on the amount of unused annual leave that can be carried forward from one year to the next is imposed by statute, 42 USC §210-1a. Therefore, no waiver is legally permissible. In other words, no one can grant an exception.

Officers are encouraged to schedule their annual leave so as to preclude any disappointments or misunderstandings resulting from the loss of accrued leave at the end of the year. Officers are also encouraged to utilize annual leave throughout the year to allow for restorative rest and recuperation from duty and not place ones self in jeopardy at the end of the calendar year with a “use or lose” situation.

E-mail your questions to James.lyons@hhs.gov or call 240-453-6098.