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Volume 9, No. 4     November 12, 2013
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As the seasons change from summer to fall and soon into winter, it is time to dust off and bring out the heavy coats and get them prepared for the best (or worst) Mother Nature can throw at us...
As you know, on June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court held unconstitutional Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which prohibited federal recognition of same-sex spouses/marriages. The President then directed the Attorney General to establish an Executive Branch-wide process to guide federal agencies as they implement the ruling...
Beginning on 1 October 2013, the Division of Commissioned Corps Personnel and Readiness (DCCPR) will open the new application process to specific disciplines. The disciplines include physicians, dentists, nurse practitioners and physician assistants...
The Promotion Information section of the CCMIS website has recently been updated for the 2014 promotion cycle and include the 2014 Promotion Checklist, instructions for the 2014 Officer’s Statement (OS) and Reviewing Official’s Statement (ROS), and links to the new forms...
In 2006, the Commissioned Corps (CC) began the arduous process of restructuring the billet system. This transformation required a collection of the position and profile data that captured the duties, responsibilities, education and competencies for each CC position...
Commissioned Corps Headquarters is pleased to announce the availability of a new service to support all officers separating from active duty. As of 30 September 2013, the primary point of contact for the coordination of retirements, terminations and other separations functions are Separations Counselors located within the Assignments Section, Assignments and Career Management Branch (ACMB), Division of Commissioned Corps Personnel and Readiness (DCCPR)...