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- Travel and Transportation Allowances FAQ
- Travel and Transportation Entitlements Summary
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- Travel & Transportation Entitlements Summary
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- Junior COSTEP Travel Information
- Official Travel Forms
- Household Goods Officers
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- Government Travel Charge Card
- Table of Frequently Used Acronyms
- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
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- SGLI Premium Rates (PDF, 20kb)
- T-SGLI Information
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- PHSPay
- Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA) Overview
- DCFSA Fact Sheet
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- Eligibility Guide
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- Fact Sheet for Military Spouses
- DCFSA Video Series
- Dependent Care Tax Credit Worksheet
- Contacts For Questions about DCFSA
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- USPHS Awards Process Flow Chart
- DEERS Information (PDF, 139kb)
- Important Information Regarding DEERS and ID Cards During COVID-19 (PDF, 57kb)
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- Electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF)
- eOPF Status
- FAQs Practice Hours and Special Pay Changes
- Practice Hours User Guide
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- Transcripts FAQs
- Extramural and Intramural Training FAQs
- Officer Leave and Absence Request FAQ
- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
- Veteran Health Administration (VHA) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Practice Hours
- Link to list of Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) Chairs (PDF, 19kb)
- About Policy
- Commissioned Corps Issuance System
- Commissioned Corps Legislative Liaison Program (CCLLP)
- Equal Opportunity
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- Political Restrictions
- Promotion Ceremony Protocol (PDF, 126kb)
- SGHG Drill and Ceremonies Manual (PDF, 3.39mb)
- Uniform Specifications
- PHS Hard Shoulder Boards and Sleeve Insignia (Male and Female) (PDF, 828kb)
- PHS Soft Shoulder Marks (Unisex) (PDF, 324kb)
- Promotion Preparation
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- Officer Intermediate Course (OIC)
- Advanced Leadership Development Program
- Preparedness Trainings
- Military Facility Annual Training (MFAT)
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- Partner Trainings
- Army War College (AWC)
- Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executes (IAI)
- Capstone Leadership, Education, Analysis, Development, Sustainment (LEADS)/Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI) Course
- Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSOC)
- Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)
- Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI) Intermediate Executive Skills (IES)
- Office of National Drug Control (ONDCP)
The USPHS Commissioned Corps is committed to our mission to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of the nation. Public Health Service officers are trained and equipped to provide crucial public health leadership, assist with policy development, advance innovation and science, provide essential care services and respond to national and global public health emergencies. Through our Active Duty Regular Corps, our Public Health Response Strike Team (PHERST) and our Ready Reserve Corps, we remain responsive and available to rapidly deploy in the service of health.
Readiness and Deployment Branch (RDB)
Annual Physical Fitness Test (APFT) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
APFT Exercises and Standards
The APFT is due annually and must be successfully completed and submitted in the same month as the previous APFT to fully satisfy readiness requirements. (Example: APFT completed October 31, but submitted Nov 1, is due for renewal in October the following year). Officers may complete and submit an updated APFT at any time (earlier than renewal month) if they are attempting to improve their score. However, officers cannot go longer than 12-months without completing and submitting a new APFT.
There are options to completing the APFT without having another officer physically present. The ideal situation is an active duty commissioned officer from the USPHS® or one of the other Uniformed Services is physically present to observe each officer’s APFT (current APFT requirement). If that is not possible, an officer can view another officer’s APFT via live video through a cell phone or computer (i.e., Google hangout, iPhone Facetime, Skype, etc.). If the APFT is viewed via a live video, the officer completing the APFT will send Form PHS-7044 to the observing officer to obtain his/her signature via PDF. If neither of the first two options is available to an officer, a federal employee non-officer adult can observe an officer’s APFT.
All officers must maintain physical conditioning to optimize their health and prepare for deployment. Plan accordingly to successfully complete, pass, and submit an APFT annually to CCHQ, prior to the expiration of the previous year’s test. Officers who do not submit a passing APFT prior to the expiration of the previous year’s test will be found “Not Qualified” for readiness checks. If an incorrect or erroneous APFT record is submitted, it is subject to deletion. An officer’s readiness status will revert to “Not Qualified” until a satisfactory APFT is completed and submitted.
If an officer has a medical reason for being unable to complete the APFT, they must have an approved medical waiver prior to the expiration of the previous year’s APFT.
Officers must include height, weight and “taping” information (if applicable) to provide additional data for overall fitness level. However, the weight metrics included with the APFT are not considered official weight for Retention Weight Standard compliance determination, as these are not verified by their healthcare provider or healthcare professional such as a Registered Dietitian, or Exercise Physiologist/Specialist.
The elliptical and bike cardiovascular endurance options were adopted from the Navy. The Navy has done specific testing to validate the equipment and determine offset values for several variations of the elliptical and bike to ensure the test is consistent across different types of machines. It is necessary to only use an elliptical or bike from the approved list identified on the APFT POM and instructional guide or the calculation and results will not be accurate.
Documentation and APFT Scoring
On Form PHS-7044. Officers will complete the form with the signature of the testing official, create a new APFT record within RDB Self Service and upload an electronic PDF via eDOC-U to supplement the new APFT record. Officers are recommended to maintain a copy for their personal records. All officers will need to enter the last name of the testing official who views and verifies their APFT and the remaining fields will auto populate if the testing official is another Corps officer. CCHQ will periodically audit the officer and the observing officer to verify that the APFT was viewed and information entered into eDOC-U is accurate.
The cardiorespiratory endurance, upper body endurance, and core endurance exercises each have six levels of performance: Maximum, Outstanding, Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, and Failure. Each level has a corresponding point value assigned to it. The flexibility exercise is scored as satisfactory or unsatisfactory.
In order to pass the APFT, an officer must achieve a satisfactory or better for the cardiorespiratory, upper body, and core exercises. If an officer does not meet the satisfactory level for any of these exercises, the overall APFT is considered failed. If an officer scores satisfactory on the seated toe touch, the final score is obtained by averaging the scores of the cardiorespiratory endurance, upper body endurance, and core endurance components. If an officer scores unsatisfactory on the seated toe touch, the overall APFT score will be one level lower.
See APFT POM for Scoring the APFT and examples.
The score from the authorized model elliptical or bike is calculated by adding the number of calories burned during 12 minutes of exercise plus an offset value from the machines, and then dividing that value by the officer’s body weight in pounds.
See APFT POM for List of Approved Equipment and Gender Standards Tables.
The Office of the Surgeon General (OSG) and/or CCHQ may require officers to provide verification of a submitted fitness level. Such verification may include requiring the officer to demonstrate any or all portions of the APFT virtually or in-person. Additionally, the erroneous APFT entry will be deleted from officer’s file and a correct APFT will need to be resubmitted to satisfy readiness requirements. An erroneous APFT may result in “Not Qualified” readiness status.
Medical Waivers
Officers should review the Medical Affairs Branch Medical Waiver Program website on CCMIS.
Waivers are specific to the individual components of the APFT that an officer is unable to perform due to a physical or medical limitation. Officers granted a component-specific waiver are expected to complete all the other components of the APFT. For example, an officer with a waiver for the cardiorespiratory endurance component (run, swim, elliptical, or bike) must still complete the body mass index (BMI), upper body endurance, core endurance, and flexibility portions of the APFT. In this case, the waiver would exempt the officer only from the cardiorespiratory endurance portion of the fitness test.
Additional information on medical waivers is located on the CCMIS website under the “Medical Affairs” section.
The overall APFT score is an average of the points obtained from each exercise completed (cardiorespiratory endurance, upper body endurance, and core endurance). If an officer has a medical waiver for one or more components, the overall score is the average of the components completed not counting the waived component.
See APFT POM for Scoring the APFT and examples.
Last Updated: 12/22/2022
Please check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) . FAQs are located at the top of the page next to the search function.
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The link above will take you to the Noncompetitive Promotion Roster for Promotion Year 2020.
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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Mission - Deployments Readiness Updates
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Protecting, Promoting and Advancing the Health and Safety of Our Nation. Commissioned Corps Headquarters
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