- About ASB Main Page
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- Government Travel Charge Card
- Household Goods Officers
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- Official Travel Forms
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- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
- Table of Frequently Used Acronyms
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- Travel and Transportation
- Travel and Transportation Allowances FAQ
- Travel and Transportation Entitlements Summary
- Travel, PCS and Transportation
- Important Regulation Changes
- Travel & Transportation Entitlements Summary
- Permanent Change of Station (PCS)
- Temporary Duty (TDY)
- Junior COSTEP Travel Information
- Official Travel Forms
- Household Goods Officers
- Transportation
- Government Travel Charge Card
- Table of Frequently Used Acronyms
- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
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- Travel and Transportation Allowances FAQ
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- Transcripts FAQs
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- Officer Leave and Absence Request FAQ
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- Practice Hours FAQs
- Practice Hours User Guide
- Practice Hours Opportunities
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- Extramural and Intramural Training FAQs
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- About Policy
- Commissioned Corps Issuance System
- Commissioned Corps Legislative Liaison Program (CCLLP)
- Equal Opportunity
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Political Restrictions
- Promotion Ceremony Protocol (PDF, 126kb)
- SGHG Drill and Ceremonies Manual (PDF, 3.39mb)
- Uniform Specifications
- PHS Hard Shoulder Boards and Sleeve Insignia (Male and Female) (PDF, 828kb)
- PHS Soft Shoulder Marks (Unisex) (PDF, 324kb)
- Promotion Preparation
- Checklist (Due Dates & Reminders)
- Precepts & Benchmarks
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- General Guidance
- Promotion Process
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- Zones
- Below the Zone
- Failure of Promotion
- Leadership
- List of Agency Liaisons
- List of Chief Professional Officers (CPO)
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- On-Call Schedule
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- About the Training Branch
- Training Dates
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- Career Development Trainings
- Officer Basic Course (OBC)
- Officer Intermediate Course (OIC)
- Advanced Leadership Development Program
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- Military Facility Annual Training (MFAT)
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- Partner Trainings
- Army War College (AWC)
- Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executes (IAI)
- Capstone Leadership, Education, Analysis, Development, Sustainment (LEADS)/Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI) Course
- Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSOC)
- Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)
- Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI) Intermediate Executive Skills (IES)
- Office of National Drug Control (ONDCP)
The USPHS Commissioned Corps is committed to our mission to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of the nation. Public Health Service officers are trained and equipped to provide crucial public health leadership, assist with policy development, advance innovation and science, provide essential care services and respond to national and global public health emergencies. Through our Active Duty Regular Corps, our Public Health Response Strike Team (PHERST) and our Ready Reserve Corps, we remain responsive and available to rapidly deploy in the service of health.
Medical Affairs Branch
Medical Waiver Requests
Your medical waiver should be submitted as soon as documentation can be completed by a primary care provider reporting the symptoms that prevent you from deploying or completing other required activities. It should include the date or timeline expected for you to see a specialist or receive results concerning diagnostic testing/lab work. Please note that this initial waiver allowing you time to see a specialist may be short term and may need to be renewed once more information is known. Once the specialist assesses you, the specialist will determine if more time is needed for treatment at which time you must submit a new waiver request with the appropriate updates.
Any provider actively managing your medical condition may provide waiver documentation. Instructions for providers are included with the request for Medical Waivers form.
A link to the waiver request form (which now includes a provider instructions memo) can be found on the Medical Waiver Program page under Medical Affairs tab on the CCMIS website. It can also be found under Forms/Medical on the CCMIS website and can be accessed using the following link: /ccmis/PDF_docs/Medical%20Waiver%20Request%20Form%20and%20Instructions.pdf
A provider instruction memo is now attached to the waiver request form.
Your provider must include medical documentation supporting the waiver request including:
- What are your specific disabling medical diagnoses, condition(s) or disabling symptoms?
- A final diagnosis is not required to request a waiver. If a diagnosis is unknown, please report the symptoms you are experiencing or working diagnosis with the associated evaluation, follow-up and treatment plan.
- How does the condition(s) prohibit you from completing readiness requirements including deployments?
- What is the current management of your conditions or symptoms, to include diagnostic and/or treatment plan(s)?
- How long do they expect the medical condition to prevent you from deploying or meeting readiness requirements or when is the next reevaluation date, not to exceed 6 months?
For Annual Physical Fitness Testing (APFT) waiver requests, the medical documentation must include justification for each section that you are requesting to waive.
For Pregnancy waivers, an estimated delivery date and laboratory or ultrasound confirmation of the pregnancy must be included.
Pregnancy: Pregnancy waivers temporarily waives deployment, requirements of all sections of APFT, Weight Standards, and live virus vaccinations. The waiver ends 12 months after anticipated delivery date. Approval requires documentation which includes laboratory or ultrasound confirmation of pregnancy and estimated date of delivery (EDD)
Documentation Requirements:
- Your Primary Care provider should provide an estimated delivery date based on the Last Menstrual Period (LMP) to the best of their knowledge, and laboratory confirmation (final confirmation is the responsibility of the clinician providing obstetric care).
Readiness Requirements:
- The readiness requirements of the annual Periodic Health Update (PHU) and annual seasonal Influenza immunization are NOT waived by the Pregnancy waiver.
- If an officer’s pregnancy ends prior to 20 weeks gestation, the officer should inform Medical Affairs within 30 days by uploading a new Waiver request form and the date the pregnancy ended.
Newest Updates to the Pregnancy Waiver accommodations:
- As of January 15, 2021, there are significant changes in what is included in a Pregnancy waiver which are summarized below:
Length of Pregnancy
Waiver requested January 15, 2021 or prior
Waiver requested after January 16, 2021
≥ 20 weeks
Deployment, APFT, BLS, Live virus immunizations
Expires 6 months after estimated date of delivery
Expires 12 months after estimated date of delivery. NO BLS WAIVER INCLUDED
Weight Standards
Expires 6 months after estimated date of delivery with an option for an additional 3 months
Expires 12 months after estimated date of delivery
Additional 6 months after expiration of Pregnancy waiver (12 months after child’s birthday)
Included in pregnancy waiver, expires 12 months after estimated date of delivery
< 20 weeks
Deployment, APFT, BLS, Live virus immunizations, Weight standards
Not in Policy
Expires 6 months after termination of pregnancy.
After expiration of the Pregnancy waiver (12 months after anticipated delivery date) officers should be prepared to deploy. When the Pregnancy waiver expires, you should submit a breastfeeding waiver (no earlier than one week before expiration of the Pregnancy waiver) with an attached personal statement indicating that breastfeeding is still occurring. You do not need a note from your provider. Breastfeeding waivers ensure additional lactation needs and resources are available when deployed or in a training environment (e.g., regular breaks electricity, refrigeration). Breastfeeding waivers will be provided for 5-month intervals, with ability to extend as needed.
MAB will assist in communicating your needs to RDB once your breastfeeding waiver is approved. Officers with this waiver will only be rostered for deployment or training in an environment with the additional resources to support lactation. Officers who feel that their needs are not met should reach out to MAB (Phsmacchq@hhs.gov) and RDB Deployment (PHSDeployment@hhs.gov) to assist in addressing the concern.
Per Joint Travel Regulations effective 07 April 2022, “the cost of shipping breast milk may be reimbursed as a travel accommodation for a special need during temporary duty (TDY) travel. Expenses may include reasonable commercial shipping fees, excess baggage, disposable storage bags or non-durable containers, cold shipping packages, refrigeration, and transport. Expenses will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $1,000 when authorized.”
Please seek individual guidance from sponsoring agency Federal Agency Travel Administrators (FATA) on how to seek reimbursement.
Updates regarding waiver status are generally seen in approximately 3 business days
Waivers that are rejected or modified are communicated to the officer (either by standard email for format deviations, or via eCMCS for waiver modifications). For details on reason for waiver rejection or modification not containing PHI refer to the comments section of the standard email. The officer should also check their spam folder for waiver updates.
MAB no longer sends confirmations of waivers being granted. An officer can check their waiver status by going to the Officer Secure Area of the CCMIS website. Please follow the instructions below.
- Log into the officer secure area of CCMIS.
- Click “RDB Self Service” in the lower left blue panel of the screen.
- Click “Waivers” under number 3 to review your waiver status and expiration
Please note that no email notification is available at this time to inform officers when their waiver is pending expiration or has already expired. It is the responsibility of the officer to ensure waiver renewals are submitted at least 72hrs before the previous one is expired to maintain Basic Readiness requirements.
For more information, please contact Medical Affairs at: PHSMACCHQ@hhs.gov
If the officer’s provider did not designate the length of time that the waiver should be granted, the waiver will be granted for three months. In addition, the time could be shortened at the reviewer’s discretion, if in their clinical judgement, an update is needed sooner. This does not apply to pregnancy waivers that has a standard waiver period.Officers should request the necessary waivers (with medical documentation) for an elective procedure to include recovery time. Waivers should be requested for deployment and any other readiness requirement that they are unable to complete. Officers are strongly encouraged not to schedule elective procedures during their on-call month or the month preceding.
Waivers can be provided for the following readiness requirements if the officer provides adequate documentation to approve the waiver.
- Deployment
- Immunization
- Weight
Waivers are NOT provided for the Periodic Health Update
The officer has until the end of the month of waiver expiration to complete all required readiness components that were not done during the waiver period. In general, MAB ends waiver periods early in the month to give the officer maximum time to complete requirements.
Medical Readiness Categories (MRC)
MAB uses MRCs to communicate internally to Readiness and Deployment Branch (RDB) about an officer’s medical deployment status without disclosing protected health information. There are four categories:
- MRC-1: Fully deployable without limitation(s).
- MRC-2: Deployable with limitations or specific needs.
- MRC-3: Non-deployable, usually requiring a medical waiver.
- MRC-4: Critical information pending; currently non-deployable. Usually related to a medical/dental issue requiring immediate attention, preventing deployment.
Officers are assigned an MRC after review of medical documentation by MAB. The assigned category is transmitted digitally to RDB without disclosing any protected health information.
MRC-1 assignment indicates that the officer is fully deployable and without medical conditions preventing or limiting their ability and range of deployment opportunities.
MRC-2 assignment is usually associated with the submission of a medical waiver request. This MRC allows an officer to deploy with certain limitations.
- For example, an officer needs a reliable source of electricity to operate a medical device and requests a deployment waiver. MAB may assign the officer an MRC-2, “requires reliable electricity.” RDB is now obliged to ensure that the officer’s need is met wherever the officer is deployed.
- Another officer has medical conditions that will put the officer at risk for serious infections and asks for a deployment waiver. If appropriate, rather than grant the waiver, MAB will assign the officer to MRC-2, “No exposure to severe infections.” RDB will then only deploy that officer if that deployment role does not require the officer to have potential contact with serious infections.
- Since being able to deploy is a condition of service, assigning an officer an MRC-2 allows the officer to be deployable while ensuring that the officer’s limitations or needs are considered. RDB is aware of the MRC status but is unable to see the specific medical conditions of the officer.
MRC-3 assignments are usually submitted with a medical waiver and result in an officer being deemed non-deployable for a period of time.
- Acceptance of the medical waiver you submit is strongly dependent on how clearly your condition is described and how it effects your ability to deploy. Final approval of the medical waiver is up to the discretion of the Chief Medical Officer (or their designee).
Please see this link for more information prior to requesting a medical waiver.
MRC-4 assignments are reserved for officers that are currently non-deployable due to a medical/dental issue requiring immediate attention, preventing deployment.
- This information can be obtained from your PHU (DD-2813, DD-2807, DD-2808) and/or a waiver request. The length of these waivers and/or accommodations are impacted by the information provided by your provider and are left to the discretion of the Senior Dental or Medical Evaluations Officer of Medical Affairs.
Unfortunately, Officers cannot yet see their assigned MRC on their Readiness dashboard. We hope that will be possible in the future.
For more information, please contact Medical Affairs at: PHSMACCHQ@hhs.gov
- What are your specific disabling medical diagnoses, condition(s) or disabling symptoms?
Please check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) . FAQs are located at the top of the page next to the search function.
Having Access Issues or Need IT Help? Please contact the Commissioned Corps Helpdesk at: CCHelpDesk@hhs.gov
Officer Spotlight January 2025
Officer Spotlight
Practice Hours Opportunities
Practice Hours Opportunities
2023 Temporary Grade Promotions
CC News Announcement 2023 Temporary Grade Promotions
Changes in Tattoo Policy in CCI 412.01, Uniforms and Appearance
Changes in Tattoo Policy in CCI 412.01, Uniforms and Appearance
Surgeon General Priorities
Surgeon General Priorities
January 2021: United States Public Health Commissioned Corps Doctrine
The link above will take you to the Noncompetitive Promotion Roster for Promotion Year 2020.
FAQs Practice Hours and Special Pay Changes
This is first in a series of FAQs, more FAQs will be forthcoming on Practice Hours and Special Pays.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Mission - Deployments Readiness Updates
As we position ourselves to assist with controlling the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), please note that we’re in an “all-hands on deck” status. Messaging has gone out from the Assistant Secretary for Health reminding Commissioned Corps officers of their deployment responsibilities...
Protecting, Promoting and Advancing the Health and Safety of Our Nation. Commissioned Corps Headquarters
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