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The USPHS Commissioned Corps is committed to our mission to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of the nation. Public Health Service officers are trained and equipped to provide crucial public health leadership, assist with policy development, advance innovation and science, provide essential care services and respond to national and global public health emergencies. Through our Active Duty Regular Corps, our Public Health Response Strike Team (PHERST) and our Ready Reserve Corps, we remain responsive and available to rapidly deploy in the service of health.
Retention Weight Standards
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Please visit the Corps Retention Weight Standards webpage for more information.
This webpage has many references to "weight information." Height and weight information collectively includes the information needed to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) and estimated percent body fat (PBF) or "taping" results.
- Since both the Periodic Health Update (PHU) and Annual Physical Fitness Test (APFT) are annual requirements for all active-duty commissioned officers, height, weight, and BMI information is required to be included with submission of APFT result (form 7044), and with PHU (DD Form 2808).
- If officers are considered “compliant” with BMI alone, nothing further is required for submission with either APFT or PHU documentation.
- Officers with BMI of 27.6 kg/m2 or greater are required to submit “taping” or PBF data with APFT. Alternatively, officers can submit the BMI and PBF data on the Verified Weight Report (7044-1).
- Officers who complete a PHU with BMI of 27.6 kg/m2 or greater are required to submit “taping” or PBF data using the Verified Weight Report (7044-1). The electronic form will automatically calculate BMI and PBF information (to avoid errors, please do not hand-calculate results). The completed and signed PHS-7044-1 form is submitted via eDOC-U.
- Officers are required to maintain a copy of both APFT and/or Verified Weight Report (7044-1) form(s) for personal record. Keep the eDOC-U confirmation email or a screen shot showing submission of APFT and/or Verified Weight Report (7044-1). The system will update and display recent submissions in Self-Service within one business day. It is an officer’s responsibility to review Self-Service and ensure the information is both displayed and accurate, as intended.
If an officer does not include either BMI or required PBF results on their APFT or PHU at time of submission, they must supplement with and submit their BMI (and PBF if needed) on a Verified Weight Report (7044-1) via eDOC-U.
Failure to provide required weight information on either the APFT or Verified Weight Report (7044-1) will identity and mark the officer as "Not Qualified" beginning Jul 1, 2020 readiness check and any subsequent months until the missing item is addressed and submitted.
The Commissioned Corps Headquarter (CCHQ) team does support officers to achieve intended weight goals and succeed. Officers might also be required to complete one or both of the requirements below, depending on starting BMI. If officers do not submit all necessary weight information, they will be marked as “Not Qualified” for monthly readiness checks beginning July 1, 2020. By submitting the required documentation when it is due, officers are marked "Qualified".
Possible requirements depending on BMI:
- For any officer with BMI of 27.6 – 29.9 kg/m2, submit "height and weight information" quarterly until "compliance" status is achieved.
- Submit form 7044-1 by uploading it through eDOC-U in the Officer Secure Area (OSA)
- Deadline for Quarterly Weight Reports (7044-1) completion and submission is in the first week of Jan, April, July, and Oct (1-7th precisely).
- Quarterly reports must demonstrate progress, which is determined on an individual basis according to the weight reviewed on last submitted APFT record or subsequent Quarterly Weight reports (7044-1).
- Officers who do not submit quarterly reports, will be marked as "Not Qualified".
For any officer with BMI of 30.0 kg/m2 or greater:
- Create a Weight Management Plan that includes: 1) overall officer weight loss progress in the past, present, and future goal(s), 2) exercise plan progress and goals, 3) nutrition/meal plan progress and goals, 4) support and accountability plan; and 5) method of tracking progress. Goals must follow the SMART format.
- Submit a Weight Management Plan within 30 days of reporting an out of compliance BMI and PBF via APFT or Verified Weight Report (7044-1).
- Any rejected Weight Management Plan is due for re-submission within 30-days via eDOC-U.
- An approved Weight Management Plan is valid for 1 year and required for re-submission annually (if needed) as officers document progress towards achieving weight loss and meeting "compliance".
Below are the general guidelines for creating a Weight Management Plan:
- It is strongly recommended that officers consult with their primary care provider (PCP) or primary care manager (PCM)
- Officers are encouraged to utilize a plan that provides realistic, safe, and sustainable lifestyle changes
USPHS does not endorse any specific weight management program. Plans may include proof of, but are not limited to the following:
- enrollment into a commercial weight/body composition management program
- an individual plan developed between the officer and their PCP/PCM
- an individual plan developed with a registered dietitian, clinical healthcare providers, certified exercise physiologist or certified personal trainer
- a plan approved by CCHQ
Requirements for including weight information and submitting supplemental documents for any officer identified as "non-compliant" began October 1, 2018. With July 1, 2020 readiness check, any officer who was required to include weight information on last APFT and submit supplemental documents (if needed) but failed to do so was marked as "Not Qualified". This includes:
- Missing submission of required quarterly weight report(s) (form 7044-1) in the first week of the quarter (i.e. 2020 January, April, July, October).
- Missing submission of weight management plan (if still needed based on last APFT completion). This was due for upload into eDOC-U within 30-days of APFT submission.
Please review required weight submission guidance within POM 821.66, "Retention Weight Standards".
All officers were required to begin including their weight information with APFT submission beginning October 1, 2018. If weight information was missing or incomplete (i.e. BMI 27.6 kg/m2 or greater but no "taping" or PBF data included), "compliance" with Retention Weight Standards could not be determined. Weight information could be included either directly on the APFT record or supplemented with submission of a Verified Weight Report (form 7044-1).
Officers who were missing required information were identified as "Not Qualified" beginning with July 1, 2020 readiness check.
Please review required weight submission guidance within POM 821.66, "Retention Weight Standards".
There will be no immediate administrative action on Oct. 1, 2018 or through January 1, 2020 for officers who submitted, through eDOC-U, their APFT and/or Verified Weight Report (PHS 7044-1) with either BMI or required PBF documentation. Officers who have not submitted verified "weight information" will be identified and marked as "Not Qualified" beginning July 1, 2020 readiness check.
Beginning October 1, 2018, officers must demonstrate quarterly progress towards weight compliance with target weight loss of at least 3.5% quarterly, or approximately 15% baseline body weight loss per year.
An officer who does not demonstrate quarterly progress within two quarters or a 6-month period is out of compliance with the Retention Weight Standards. Consequently, the Corps will mark such an officer as "Not Qualified" at the next readiness check and continue to identify them as "Not Qualified" in subsequent monthly readiness checks until they demonstrates this progress.
Failure to meet the Retention Weight Standards policy requirements will result in a "Not Qualified" readiness status, which will impact post promotion readiness checks beginning in 2020.
MAB will review an officer who does not demonstrate quarterly progress within two quarters or a 6-month period. If MAB determines that the officer has medical or psychological causes preventing progress towards compliance with Retention Weight Standards, the Chief, MAB, will make a recommendation to the Director, CCHQ, regarding whether the officer should be referred to a Medical Review Board.
This review will verify if an officer has a medical reason for not making adequate progress toward compliance with the Retention Weight Standards. If no medical reason is apparent, officers will be marked "Not Qualified" for subsequent months of readiness checks until "compliance" progress is achieved as outlined in the Retention Weight Standards policy.
Deployability will be considered on a case-by-case basis for officers not in compliance with the Retention Weight Standards. The Readiness and Deployment Branch (RDB) will work with the Medical Affairs Branch (MAB) to determine deployability based on mission requirements and risk to officers based on the mission. Officers who have lapsed in readiness are considered "Non-deployable" until they addressed the readiness item in question.
Yes. If an officer is concerned about medication, treatment, or a medical condition impacting their ability to meet compliance, contact Medical Affairs for further information. If you would like to request a waiver, submit the request with medical documentation to Medical Affairs as instructed on the Medical Waiver Program webpage.
Most waivers will only be granted on a short-term basis and may not be recurrent. This is reviewed on a case-by-case situation following medical standards. Not all waivers requested or submitted will be approved.
Should a waiver be granted, the waiver will only modify the accepted weight and will reflect the evidence-based impact of specific treatment(s) or condition(s). Timely submission of documents (i.e. Quarterly Weight Reports or updated Weight Management Plan) and progress towards "compliance" with policy are still required.
Do not send medical information or documentation directly to RDB or MAB teams.
Pregnancy waivers automatically make an officer eligible for a waiver for Retention Weight Standards during the period indicated on the waiver (see Self-Service, under "waivers" section).
Yes. Being granted an APFT waiver only exempts an officer from completing an APFT or physical testing portion of the APFT. Weight information must still be submitted annually using a Verified Weight Report (form 7044-1), regardless if an officer is "compliant" or "non-compliant" with Retention Weight Standards.
For any officer who is "non-compliant" with Retention Weight Standards, they must still submit quarterly weight reports (form 7044-1) in the first week of the quarter (2020 January, April, July, October, and so on) and renew their Weight Management Plan annually (if needed).
Likewise, receiving a "Weight Standard" waiver does not exempt the officer from submitting required items (quarterly weight reports, weight management plan) as outlined above.
EXCEPTION: pregnant officers automatically receive both a weight standards and APFT waiver. They are not required to submit any weight information during their pregnancy or while under a "pregnancy" / "breastfeeding" waiver, concurrent with a "weight standards" waiver until the weight standards waiver expires.
View waiver information details within Self-Service, under "waiver" section.For any additional questions or immediate concerns regarding Retention Weight Standards not addressed in the above FAQs or Retention Weight Standards page, please email: PHSReadiness@hhs.gov.
Please check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) . FAQs are located at the top of the page next to the search function.
Having Access Issues or Need IT Help? Please contact the Commissioned Corps Helpdesk at: CCHelpDesk@hhs.gov
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The link above will take you to the Noncompetitive Promotion Roster for Promotion Year 2020.
FAQs Practice Hours and Special Pay Changes
This is first in a series of FAQs, more FAQs will be forthcoming on Practice Hours and Special Pays.
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