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- Office of National Drug Control (ONDCP)
The USPHS Commissioned Corps is committed to our mission to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of the nation. Public Health Service officers are trained and equipped to provide crucial public health leadership, assist with policy development, advance innovation and science, provide essential care services and respond to national and global public health emergencies. Through our Active Duty Regular Corps, our Public Health Response Strike Team (PHERST) and our Ready Reserve Corps, we remain responsive and available to rapidly deploy in the service of health.
eCORPS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
FAQs on Documenting Parental Leave
These are interim FAQs and are subject to revision. Please note that FAQs do not establish policy but are meant to clarify the actual CCDs, CCIs, and POMs.
- I am a parent who had a child before 23 December 2024. How do I document my leave?
For parents who had/welcomed a child before 23 December 2024, nothing changes. You continue to follow the previous policy (i.e., maternity, paternity, adoption leave, etc.).
- I am a birth mother who had a child after 23 December 2024. How do I document my leave?
Until the eCORPS system is updated, you should use the existing sick leave option in eCORPS for your recovery from childbirth with proper documentation from your health care provider. And then you should use administrative leave option in eCORPS (in seven-day increments) and in the comment field put down that “This is for parental leave.”
- I am a non-birth parent (e.g., father, same sex partner) of a baby born on or after 23 December 2024. How do I document my leave?
Until the eCORPS system is updated, the non-birth parent should use the administrative leave option (in seven-day increments) and in the comment field put down that “This is for parental leave.”
- I welcomed a child through adoption, surrogacy, or foster care after 23 December 2024. How do I document my leave?
Until the eCORPS system is updated, you should use the administrative leave option (in seven-day increments) and in the comment field put down that “This is for parental leave for adopting/surrogacy/fostering a child.”
General eCORPS FAQs
I cannot log-in to eCORPS. How do I request or approve leave?
If you cannot access eCORPS because you forgot your user ID or you need to reset your password, do the following:
Officers: Your user ID is posted on your Officer Secure Area dashboard. You can reset your password with the tool at the bottom of the eCORPS login box.
Civilians: You must email your Commissioned Corps Agency Liaison for your user ID and a password reset. If you just need your user ID, anyone who you are an LAO for can view your user ID in eCORPS.
If you believe your issue is technical, please contact the Commissioned Corps Helpdesk at: CCHelpDesk@ hhs.gov.
When I attempt to sign in to eCORPS, I get a “Reset Password Failed/User Not Found” message and cannot proceed. What should I do?
Your User ID is case sensitive. Please be sure you are using upper and lower case letters exactly as given to you. Be aware: If you entered the Commissioned Corps under a different name (i.e. a maiden name), your eCORPS username was created with this name. If you are attempting to reset your password and you receive a message saying that your email address is invalid, please check in RedDOG to confirm the case of your email address. The email field is also case-sensitive.
- I am having trouble or cannot use the “forgot password” feature. What should I do?
Contact your Commissioned Corps Agency Liaison. Your Liaison can reset your password. If you are an officer, please first check your email address in RedDOG to ensure that you are entering your email address in the same case that it was originally recorded in in the system. (ie: cannot be entered as jsmith@gmail.com. The capitalization format has to match exactly for your email address to be accepted).
- How will I receive my eCORPS user name and password?
Officers: Your eCORPS user name is posted on your Officer Secure Area (OSA) dashboard. If you are a new user, you will receive a welcome email and a temporary password email separately. If you do not receive a temporary password or forget your password, select “forgot password” and answer the information prompts to receive a temporary password.
Civilian users: You will receive two emails: 1) a welcome email with a user name and instructions. 2) An email with a temporary password. Contact your Commissioned Corps Agency Liaison if you do not receive a welcome email and temporary password. Make sure to check your Junk email folder.
- My Account is locked. How do I get it unlocked?
Please contact cchelpdesk@hhs.gov or your agency liaison to have your account unlocked.
Does there have to be a space between the security code words requested when logging in?
I have submitted a request for leave. While it appeared that the request was submitted, I am finding that the leave is not visible on the annual leave calendar. I do not see anything listed in the “pending and future leave requests” nor do I see any notations in workflow activities or anywhere else. Should I resubmit?
- What are the steps in the leave request process?
There are at least four steps in the leave request process: leave request, leave approval, officer leave confirmation, and Leave Authorizing Officer confirmation. You must complete all steps for accurate processing of your leave. Make sure you follow the workflow and make all changes by selecting a task. If you do not have a task, then the process is currently with your LAO.
- How do I remove a leave request?
Do not delete the request by clicking on the calendar days only. Do not change leave by adding leave over the current leave. In your workflow, you will have a task. Select the task and make the changes. If you do not have the task, your LAO does. Ask your LAO to deny the leave so you can change or delete it. See “What are the steps to confirm an approved leave that must be modified.”
- What are the steps to confirm an approved leave that must be modified?
- Execute the Confirmation task by clicking the gray “Play” button under the “Actions” column in your Tasks menu.
- Uncheck each day that is NOT being confirmed.
- Click Next
- On the next screen, keep the check box labeled Add or Modify Request checked and then Click Complete.
- On the Calendar displayed, browse to the Month of the original request using the arrow keys at the top of the calendar.
- Click the Leave Type being modified. It will turn dark grey. Then, click the date on the calendar to remove. The calendar entry will change to 0.00 days (1.00) instead of 1.00 Days Approved.
- Click Next and complete after all of the days have been removed.
- The Leave Approver will receive a new Approval task to approve the change to the 0.00 days. In the Interim the Confirmation Task will stay in the your Task Menu until the change to 0.00 days have been approved and the New Confirmation for the 0.00 days is generated overnight.
Once you have completed the confirmation as outlined above, the LAO will get the approval task for the changes. Once the changes have been approved, the days will be removed from the calendar.
- I do not see a task and I want to confirm or change my leave. What do I do?
Your leave request is likely with your LAO. If you have a previous request in the system that was never confirmed by your LAO, you might not receive any more confirmation tasks for subsequent leave requests until your LAO has completed the final step of any earlier requests. Have your LAO complete his or her portion so the request will come back to you. If you are confirming leave, the task will not display until you enter into the requested leave period. If you have checked all of the scenarios above and neither you nor your LAO has a pending task, contact the Commissioned Corps Help Desk at: CCHelpDesk@HHS.gov.
- What happens if my leave balance is incorrect in eCORPS according to my DA report or records?
All officers were instructed to remove pending and unapproved leave in DA before the transfer to eCORPS. If you did not, all pending leave requests were auto-approved and you were charged for any leave requests still in DA. In some cases, leave requested in DA from October 1-15 was also included in the transferred leave balance to eCORPS. Please email AbsenceRequest@hhs.gov for instructions to correct your leave balance.
- I logged into eCORPS and my LAO is incorrect. Who should I contact?
Contact your Commissioned Corps Agency Liaison.
- How can I see who my LAO is?
- Go to the “My Profile” tab from the eCORPS homepage
- Go to the “Leave” tab, then select “My leave Approvers” from the Analytics menu. The user ID labeled “direct” under the “Relation” column is your direct LAO.
Last Updated: 1/14/2025
- I am a parent who had a child before 23 December 2024. How do I document my leave?
Please check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) . FAQs are located at the top of the page next to the search function.
Having Access Issues or Need IT Help? Please contact the Commissioned Corps Helpdesk at: CCHelpDesk@hhs.gov
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The link above will take you to the Noncompetitive Promotion Roster for Promotion Year 2020.
FAQs Practice Hours and Special Pay Changes
This is first in a series of FAQs, more FAQs will be forthcoming on Practice Hours and Special Pays.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Mission - Deployments Readiness Updates
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Protecting, Promoting and Advancing the Health and Safety of Our Nation. Commissioned Corps Headquarters
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