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- Travel and Transportation Entitlements Summary
- Travel, PCS and Transportation
- Important Regulation Changes
- Travel & Transportation Entitlements Summary
- Permanent Change of Station (PCS)
- Temporary Duty (TDY)
- Junior COSTEP Travel Information
- Official Travel Forms
- Household Goods Officers
- Transportation
- Government Travel Charge Card
- Table of Frequently Used Acronyms
- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
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- Promotion Ceremony Protocol (PDF, 126kb)
- SGHG Drill and Ceremonies Manual (PDF, 3.39mb)
- Uniform Specifications
- PHS Hard Shoulder Boards and Sleeve Insignia (Male and Female) (PDF, 828kb)
- PHS Soft Shoulder Marks (Unisex) (PDF, 324kb)
- Promotion Preparation
- Checklist (Due Dates & Reminders)
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- Zones
- Below the Zone
- Failure of Promotion
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- About the Training Branch
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- Career Development Trainings
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- Officer Intermediate Course (OIC)
- Advanced Leadership Development Program
- Preparedness Trainings
- Military Facility Annual Training (MFAT)
- PHS Regional Deployment Role Training
- Partner Trainings
- Army War College (AWC)
- Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executes (IAI)
- Capstone Leadership, Education, Analysis, Development, Sustainment (LEADS)/Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI) Course
- Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSOC)
- Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)
- Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI) Intermediate Executive Skills (IES)
- Office of National Drug Control (ONDCP)
The USPHS Commissioned Corps is committed to our mission to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of the nation. Public Health Service officers are trained and equipped to provide crucial public health leadership, assist with policy development, advance innovation and science, provide essential care services and respond to national and global public health emergencies. Through our Active Duty Regular Corps, our Public Health Response Strike Team (PHERST) and our Ready Reserve Corps, we remain responsive and available to rapidly deploy in the service of health.
U.S. Army War College (USAWC)/U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS)
Distance Education Program
The U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Commissioned Corps and the U.S. Army War College (USAWC) are offering opportunities for Public Health Service officers to participate in two exceptional programs: the Distance Education Program (DEP) and the Blended Education Program (BEP).
The US Army War College educates and develops leaders for service at the strategic level while advancing knowledge in the global application of Land power. The purpose of U.S. Army War College currently in our Nation's history is to produce graduates from all our courses who are skilled critical thinkers and complex problem solvers in the global application of Land power. Concurrently, it is our duty to the Army to also act as a "Think Factory" for Commanders and Civilian Leaders at the strategic level worldwide and routinely engage in discourse and debate on ground forces' role in achieving national security objectives.
USAWC graduates are effective senior leaders who:
- Think strategically and skillfully develop strategies to achieve national security objectives.
- Provide strategic context and perspective to inform and advise national level leaders, providing sound, nuanced and thoughtful military advice.
- Apply intellectual rigor and adaptive problem solving to multi-domain, joint warfighting, and enterprise level challenges.
- Lead teams with expert knowledge and collaborate with others to provide innovative solutions to complex, unstructured problems.
- Exercise moral judgment and promote the values and ethics of the profession of arms.
- Convey complex information and communicate effectively and persuasively to any audience.
Distance Education Program (DEP)
The DEP enables a Public Health Service officer to participate in an academically accredited two-year, rigorous online program of instruction. The DEP allows the Public Health Service officer to work a full-time job and still complete a USAWC education. The DEP is designed to be provocative, demanding, and innovative, transforming Public Health Service officers into strategic leaders. The DEP consists of a series of eight core courses, electives, and two resident courses, that are taken over a two-year period beginning with Orientation in April/May.
Course performance is evaluated through writing, forum participation, and exercise requirements. Individual student requirements are based on required study and designed to ensure that course objectives are achieved. Successful completion of the First Resident Course (FRC), which is held annually in June, is a prerequisite for entry into the Second Year Studies. Participants must fulfill the remaining DEP courses in order to attend the Second Resident Course (SRC) and graduation in July of the following year.
Through the combination of core subjects, the DEP seeks to provide an atmosphere conducive to broad intellectual and personal growth for each officer; first, in professional knowledge and understanding; second, in creative, critical, analytical, and verbal capacities; and third, in personal development.
DEP Overview:
2025 Schedule:
(subject to change)
18-20 April 2025
Orientation, Carlisle Barracks, PA (optional)
14 April 2025 – 14 May 2026
On-line First Year Studies Course
14 June – 26 June 2026
Attend First Resident Course (FRC)
Carlisle Barracks, PA
13 July 2026 – 30 May 2027
On-line Second Year Studies Course
11 -22 July 2027
Attend Second Resident Course (SRC)
Carlisle Barracks, PA.
23 July 2027
Graduation, Carlisle Barracks, PA
Program Length:
2 years
Officers per Date:
Ranks Eligible:
O-5 and O-6 with a min. 15 years of service
Registration opens:
December 20, 2024
Registration deadline:
January 27, 2025
Selecting Official:
Deputy Surgeon General
There is no tuition charge for this training; however, the selected Public Health Service officer’s agency must continue to pay the officer’s salary/benefits and all per diem or travel expenses (agency must pay the Public Health Service officer’s travel related to the two mandatory two-week resident portions at the Army War College, one course is in 2025 and one course is in 2026).
Minimum Qualifications Needed to Apply:
- Rank of O-5 /O-6 with a minimum of fifteen years in the service with exceptional senior organizational experience in policy development, strategic planning, and program management (exceptions may be considered for those O-5/O-6 officers with less than 15 years of service).
- Serve in a position graded GS-14 (O-6 billet) and above, transitioning from an operational level to strategic level perspective.
- Possess an overall strong record of performance which reflects the potential for effective service at more senior levels.
- Must demonstrate strong communication skills, both verbally and in writing
- Must be competitive for advancement in the USPHS Commissioned Corps through all statutory promotion boards.
- Eligible for a Secret clearance.
- Basic Readiness status for previous 3 years.
- No active Adverse Actions.
Application materials:
- Supervisory approval (e-mail or letter).
- A copy of your unofficial academic transcripts is required (minimum Bachelor’s degree required). After acceptance, the USAWC Registrar’s office can provide instructions to request official transcripts be sent from the officer’s undergraduate institution directly to the USAWC Registrar Office.
- Current PHS curriculum vitae.
- A letter of Intent (maximum 1 page) explaining why you would be a good fit for the program or course of interest and how you plan to use the skills/knowledge gained to advance the mission of the USPHS Commissioned Corps, and attesting you meet all conditions of service.
- A full-length photo in uniform, standing at attention in the Operational Dress Uniform and Service Dress Blues (professional photos not required).
- Letter from the Public Health Service officer’s agency agreeing to continue to pay the Public Health Service officer’s salary while attending the DEP/ all expenses related to the two mandatory two-week resident portions (one per year) for the Public Health Service officer attending the DEP. The optional two-day orientation in April to course start is highly recommended but not required.
To Apply:
All Public Health Service officers interested in participating in this training opportunity must:
- Complete the registration form via the link below.
US Army War College- Distance Education Program (DEP)Application submission
- Submit the application materials in one PDF to PHSCOTA@hhs.gov using the subject line: US Army War College- Distance Education Program (DEP)
Submissions must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST Monday, January 27, 2025.
All applicants will need to be available/scheduled for an interview the week of February 10-14, 2025, with final selections made by February 24, 2025.
Last Updated: 1/15/2025
Please check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) . FAQs are located at the top of the page next to the search function.
Having Access Issues or Need IT Help? Please contact the Commissioned Corps Helpdesk at: CCHelpDesk@hhs.gov
Officer Spotlight January 2025
Officer Spotlight
Practice Hours Opportunities
Practice Hours Opportunities
2023 Temporary Grade Promotions
CC News Announcement 2023 Temporary Grade Promotions
Changes in Tattoo Policy in CCI 412.01, Uniforms and Appearance
Changes in Tattoo Policy in CCI 412.01, Uniforms and Appearance
Surgeon General Priorities
Surgeon General Priorities
January 2021: United States Public Health Commissioned Corps Doctrine
The link above will take you to the Noncompetitive Promotion Roster for Promotion Year 2020.
FAQs Practice Hours and Special Pay Changes
This is first in a series of FAQs, more FAQs will be forthcoming on Practice Hours and Special Pays.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Mission - Deployments Readiness Updates
As we position ourselves to assist with controlling the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), please note that we’re in an “all-hands on deck” status. Messaging has gone out from the Assistant Secretary for Health reminding Commissioned Corps officers of their deployment responsibilities...
Protecting, Promoting and Advancing the Health and Safety of Our Nation. Commissioned Corps Headquarters
1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite 300
Rockville, MD. 20852
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