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- Travel and Transportation Entitlements Summary
- Travel, PCS and Transportation
- Important Regulation Changes
- Travel & Transportation Entitlements Summary
- Permanent Change of Station (PCS)
- Temporary Duty (TDY)
- Junior COSTEP Travel Information
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- Household Goods Officers
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- Government Travel Charge Card
- Table of Frequently Used Acronyms
- Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
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- About Policy
- Commissioned Corps Issuance System
- Commissioned Corps Legislative Liaison Program (CCLLP)
- Equal Opportunity
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Political Restrictions
- Promotion Ceremony Protocol (PDF, 126kb)
- SGHG Drill and Ceremonies Manual (PDF, 3.39mb)
- Uniform Specifications
- PHS Hard Shoulder Boards and Sleeve Insignia (Male and Female) (PDF, 828kb)
- PHS Soft Shoulder Marks (Unisex) (PDF, 324kb)
- Promotion Preparation
- Checklist (Due Dates & Reminders)
- Precepts & Benchmarks
- Administrative Checks
- General Guidance
- Promotion Process
- Eligibility
- Opt Out/Promotion Deferral
- Zones
- Below the Zone
- Failure of Promotion
- Leadership
- List of Agency Liaisons
- List of Chief Professional Officers (CPO)
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- On-Call Schedule
- Deployment Awards
- Other Resources
- About the Training Branch
- Training Dates
- Career Pathways
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- Career Development Trainings
- Officer Basic Course (OBC)
- Officer Intermediate Course (OIC)
- Advanced Leadership Development Program
- Preparedness Trainings
- Military Facility Annual Training (MFAT)
- PHS Regional Deployment Role Training
- Partner Trainings
- Army War College (AWC)
- Interagency Institute for Federal Health Care Executes (IAI)
- Capstone Leadership, Education, Analysis, Development, Sustainment (LEADS)/Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI) Course
- Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSOC)
- Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)
- Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute (JMESI) Intermediate Executive Skills (IES)
- Office of National Drug Control (ONDCP)
The USPHS Commissioned Corps is committed to our mission to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of the nation. Public Health Service officers are trained and equipped to provide crucial public health leadership, assist with policy development, advance innovation and science, provide essential care services and respond to national and global public health emergencies. Through our Active Duty Regular Corps, our Public Health Response Strike Team (PHERST) and our Ready Reserve Corps, we remain responsive and available to rapidly deploy in the service of health.
Commissioned Corps Issuance System (CCIS)
Term Definition CCPM Accession Bonus (AB) Contract A written, signed, and notarized agreement in which a candidate applying for commission as a PHS officer may receive if he/she agrees to accept a commission in the PHS, in a specialized skill eligible for an AB. The candidate must agree to remain on active duty for a pre-determined period of time, beginning on the effective date of the agreement, as a condition for payment of an AB. Accession An accession is an appointment and call to extended active duty in the PHS in the Regular or Reserve Corps. 2227 Accredited Institution An accredited institution is a college, university, institution, school, or program located in one of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or one of the U.S. Territories. The institution must be accredited by an accrediting agency or association, recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, and is acceptable to the Director, OCCO. The definition of "accredited institution" includes those institutions that are in the process of seeking accreditation and currently have provisional or conditional accreditation, or candidacy status for accreditation, based solely on the newness of the institution. 2334 Accrued Annual Leave The annual leave credited to an officer during one leave year. 2912 Accumulated Annual Leave Unused accrued annual leave remaining to the credit of an officer that is carried forward from one leave year into the next leave year. 2912 Act A statutory provision of U.S. law passed by a legislative body. 4001 Active Duty Obligation (ADO) A requirement to serve on active duty as a result of a service remaining requirement derived from receipt of a benefit, training or promotion that an officer agrees to voluntarily. Active Service All active duty performed in any of the uniformed services; plus, active employment with PHS other than as a commissioned officer, to the extent that such employment is determined to be comparable to service performed by commissioned officers of the Service (if the officer has performed more than five years of such comparable service, only the last five such years shall be included); plus, all active duty, which is creditable for retirement purposes under laws governing the retirement of members of any of the uniformed services. 4381 Additional Special Pay (ASP) A lump-sum bonus payable on an annual basis to qualified officers who contract to serve on active duty in the commissioned corps for 1, 2, 3, or 4 years. 2229 Adoption The legal procedure by which a officer or an officer and his/her spouse assumes full legal responsibility for a child that is not their biological offspring. An adopted child has the same status and benefits as an officer's biological child. 2216b Aerial Flight Flights performed under competent orders in aircraft, or spacecraft (powered or otherwise) operated by or on behalf of the United States Government. 2231 Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) The destination airport for an overseas flight. When an aircraft will be making multiple stops after arrival in the CONUS/OCONUS, the APOD is the first arrival destination the officer and his/her family depart the aircraft and must clear customs and passport control. Aeronautical Designation A rating that certifies successful completion of prescribed aviation-related training or equivalent experience. Examples of aeronautical designations include, but are not limited to, aviator and flight surgeon. 2233 Affected Parties The complainant(s), any alleged discriminating official(s), and the management official(s) with jurisdiction over the organizational segment in which the subject matter of the complaint arose. 2616 Agency (general) An executive agency of the U.S. government. 4272 Agency (specific) An Agency, Department or Program of the U.S. to which PHS commissioned officers are assigned (e.g., BOP, USCG, CMHS, EPA, NOAA, etc. This also includes officers detailed under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act. 2711 Agency Roster A listing of Commissioned Corps Readiness Force (CCRF) officers who have been identified by their agency as being on call to deploy on behalf of that agency's authority. 2618 Agency Supervisor The designated Federal agency official who will be directly responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the officer while the officer is on detail to a Federal agency. 2358 Alcohol and/or Other Drug Abuse The use of an illicit substance; the abuse/misuse of a prescribed medication; or the misuse of legal, nonprescribed substances (e.g., over-the-counter medications or alcohol) to the extent that it adversely affects the officers performance, health, and/or behavior/conduct, or that it reflects discredit on the Commissioned Corps and PHS. 2938 Allegation Statements, absent of proof, which describe physical, emotional, psychological, and/or sexual behavior, actions, inactions, or misconduct causing harm. 2933 Allowances as They Relate to Members Allowances, other than base or special pays, a PHS officer may be entitled to based on their service or duty location and that are tax exempt. 4272 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) A program established as a result of the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act, which provides alternatives to the traditional negotiation process for resolving an conflict in the workplace. ADR techniques are generally voluntary, consensual and convened by a neutral party. 2616 Alternative Workplace A policy required by Section 359 of Public Law No. 106-346 identifying location(s) other than an officer's or employee's permanent or temporary duty station, and that management designates as a position eligible for telework. 23510 Annual Leave Any period of authorized absence of one workday or more during which an officer is relieved from his/her scheduled working hours (other than sick, administrative, or court leave) including all nonworkdays within such period. 2912 Annual Temporary Promotion Board (ATPB) A board convened under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 211 to consider for temporary promotion to the next higher grade those officers serving on extended active duty. 2342 Approved Educational Institution or Training Program An educational institution or training program which has been accredited or approved by a professional body or bodies acceptable to the Surgeon General for such purpose, or which, in the absence of such a body, meets generally accepted standards as determined by the Surgeon General. 4521 Armed Forces Includes the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. 2334 Additional Special Pay (ASP) Contract A written agreement [Form PHS-6289, "Additional Special Pay (ASP) Contract"], which has been properly signed and notarized, under which an officer agrees to remain on active duty for at least 1 year, beginning on the effective date of the agreement. 2222 Attachment 1 A required narrative-based form, which is a part of all Commissioned Officers’ Effectiveness Report (COER) types, and is completed by the officer. Attachment 1 should include the officer’s duties, accomplishments, and goals as related to his/her billet, and activities and accomplishments evidencing officership, leadership, and force readiness. Attachment 2 A required narrative-based form, which is a part of all Commissioned Officers’ Effectiveness Report (COER) types, and is completed by the Rater. Attachment 2 should include an overall description of the officer’s performance during the Rating Period. Comments on specific ratings may also be included, but should be consistent with the rating given. Comments should reflect the accomplishments as well as level of responsibility. Aviation Service Date (ASD) The date an individual is initially assigned to a flight surgeon billet plus all prior aviation service. The ASD will be adjusted only for periods in which an active or inactive duty appointment is not held in any of the uniformed services. 2233 Aviation Service Service performed (1) as a flight-surgeon trainee while assigned to a position which requires the officer to perform duties in a flying status involving operational or training flights; (2) as a flight surgeon as long as he/she remains qualified to perform said duty; (3) as a commissioned officer with continuous active or inactive service with one of the uniformed services subsequent to award of an aeronautical designation; and (4) during all periods of training leading to an award of an aeronautical designation as an aviator or similar rating (i.e., pilot, navigator). 2233 Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) An amount of money prescribed and limited by law which an officer receives to pay for quarters not provided by the Government. 2215 Basic Level of Readiness The readiness standards that Regular and Reserve Corps officers must meet to be deemed fit for duty. 2618 Blanket memorandum of agreement (BMA) An assignment agreement between the Department and a non-departmental organization that is for either a specific project of undetermined duration or an ongoing departmental mission and covers one or more detailed officers. Basic Uniform Components. Uniform items required as part of the basic uniform. These are the minimum items which must be worn unless the prescribing authority directs otherwise. 400 Board Certified Officers are "board certified" when they have successfully completed all board certification requirements and are deemed "certified" by a professional board in the officer's specialty as designated by the ASH. 22214 Board Certified Equivalency (BCE) For the purposes of MRB, "board certified equivalency" for dental officers is defined in Section I., INSTRUCTION 1, Subchapter CC22.2, "Monthly Special Pays for Medical, Dental, Optometry, and Veterinary Officers," of the CCPM. 2229 Call to Active Duty (CAD) The issuance of competent orders to an officer to enter on full-time duty in the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service. 2215 Career Counseling Consultation designed to develop a plan of action in moving toward career goals associated with an officer's specialty. 2526 Career Development A series of steps that will form a logical progression toward a desired career goal. 2526 Career Track A series of professional experiences through which an officer progresses from the entry level to an expert level of skills, knowledge, and abilities throughout his/her professional career. Career tracks often reflect broad Agency missions and professional category disciplines. 2526 Category One of the commissionable professions recognized by HHS and PHS determined by statute and/or regulation. 22211 Category Designation/Priority: Billet and manpower documents establishing prioritization, determined by competent authority, to best meet the needs of the PHS and its stakeholders. 22210 Category or Group One of the professional categories or groups into which officers are divided for purposes of establishing eligibility for promotion. 2341 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) A registered nurse who is licensed and currently certified by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists. 22214 Clinical Pharmacologist A clinical pharmacologist has current board certification in clinical pharmacology by the American Board of Clinical Pharmacology, or has completed a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship training in clinical pharmacology with or without board certification in another clinical specialty. 2229 Colors A specific flag which is indicative of the spirit and tradition of either the United States or the office, position, or organization represented is known as a "Color." The United States Flag, PHS Flag, Surgeon General's Flag, and Deputy Surgeon General's Flag are, when used as Indoor Flags, Colors. 2991 Commissioned Corps Liaison An officer or an employee designated by the Agency/Operating Division (OPDIV)/Program as the resource person on commissioned corps personnel issues. 2616 Commissioned Officer or Officer Regular Corps or Reserve Corps officers appointed to the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service. 2342 Competent Medical Authority For the purpose of ordering an officer to have a physical examination, competent medical authority means a medical officer in the Medical Evaluation Staff, MAB, or the Director, OCCO. For purposes of determining the need for diagnosis and/or treatment, competent medical authority means (1) a medical officer in the Medical Evaluation Staff, MAB, or (2) a health care provider at a MTF or a health care provider authorized by the MAB to provide services to the officer. 2421 Complainant A commissioned officer or an applicant for appointment to the PHS Commissioned Corps who initiates a complaint of discrimination or other allegation requiring an informal or formal inquiry. 2616 Complaint A written allegation of discrimination or reprisal based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or to a limited extent, age or disability, filed for processing, warranting an investigation as a matter of law or regulation. 2616 Compliments Skin Tone A conservative color which contributes to the wearer's natural skin tone. Conservative colors are generally inconspicuous and do not detract from a professional appearance in uniform. 400 Congressional Committee A permanent or standing committee, special committee, select committee, or subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate that has been formally established by the respective body. In addition, conference and joint committees of both Houses are also included within the definition of congressional committee. 2357 Conservative Not conspicuous or detracting from the professional appearance while in uniform. 400 Conspicuous Obvious to the eye, attracting attention, striking, bright in color. Should blend with (not stand out from) a professional appearance in uniform. What is conspicuous on one person may not be noticeable on another. If attention is naturally drawn to or distracted from the professional appearance, it is conspicuous. 400 Continental United States (CONUS) The 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia. Alaska and Hawaii are not included in the definition of CONUS. 2412 Contract A written, signed, and notarized agreement by an officer, under which the officer agrees to a pre-determined service remaining requirement, beginning on the effective date of the agreement, as a condition to receive a benefit, special pay, or bonus. 4221 Corps Deployment A directed, temporary assignment of officers from their assigned duties within HHS OPDIVs/STAFFDIVs and non-HHS organizations, as applicable, authorized by the President or Secretary in response during a time of war or in response to: a national emergency as declared by the President; a public health emergency as declared by the President or Secretary; an urgent public health need – (a) critical staffing shortage of health care/public health personnel within a facility of program administered by an OPDIV/STAFFDIV or non-HHS organization that threatens the health and safety of the affected population, or (b) a crisis response situation in which there is a significant threat to the public health of a State, Tribe, or local community and available resources are inadequate to respond; or a National Special Security Event declared by the Secretary of Homeland Security that is of national significance, requires special security, and is coordinated at the national response level. Creditable Education and Training Creditable education and training is education and training that is: In a discipline, specialty, or closely allied and relevant field of study acceptable in a category for which the candidate is being considered; From an accredited institution; and at the proper educational level. 2334 Creditable Service All periods of active duty in any of the Uniformed Services as an officer. Creditable Service Entry Date (CSED) reflects the period of established creditable service as authorized in applicable statute and regulation. 2228p Creditable Work Experience Creditable work experience is work experience that is at the professional work level and: Is in the category, discipline, or specialty for which the candidate is being considered; or Is in a closely allied and relevant field of study that is considered so relevant or essential to the category, discipline, or specialty for which the candidate is being considered that the work experience may be substituted fully for that obtained in the category, discipline, or specialty itself. 2334 Crisis Response A situation presenting a significant threat to the public health of a State, Tribe, or local community, and available resources are inadequate to respond. Critical Shortage Specialty A specialty needed to achieve the Operating Division (OPDIV) or HHS mission, and for which there is a documented shortage of qualified individuals to meet the needs of the OPDIV or HHS. 22211 CSRB Contract A written agreement that has been properly signed and notarized whereby an officer agrees to remain on active duty for per determined period of service beginning on the effective date of the ADO authorized by competent authority. 22213 Decile A decile is formed by taking a series of numeric values, such as promotion scores that have been ranked from highest to lowest value and divided into 10 equal parts. Rank order score(s) in the 10th part are in the lowest decile. 2342 Decoration Any order, device, medal, badge, insignia, emblem, or award tendered by or received from a U.S. Agency, Uniformed Service, or foreign government. 2751 Dental Officer An individual who meets the Appointment Standards for a dental officer in the PHS. 2227 Department Department of Health and Human Services (HHS or Department). 2618 Departmental organization Any Operating Division or Staff Division, or component thereof, within HHS. Dependents An immediate family member or other authorized person who is entitled to benefits as a result of the service of an active duty sponsor or retired officer. 2215 Detail Placement of an officer, whether on a voluntary or involuntary basis, where the officer is ordered to perform duties in, or for, a non-departmental organization in accordance with 42 USC 215. 2352 Detailed COER
(prior to 01 July 2010)Consists of all 18 elements on form PHS-838 or electronic equivalent version. Typically, the Rater completes a Detailed Evaluation if he/she has supervised the officer for 6 months or longer. The Rater indicates the level that most closely describes the officer’s performance by selecting the appropriate rating. The lowest rating is "A," the highest rating is "E." An "F" rating is used to indicate that this particular element is not a part of the officer’s expected performance. Detailed COER
(01 July 2010 and after)The Detailed COER is required when the rater has supervised the officer for 6 months or longer. The Detailed COER will be completed online if it is the Annual COER. If completed on paper, this document consists of 4 pages. In the paper document, the officer is responsible for completing Section 1, "Administrative Data," and Section 2, "Officer’s Comments," and submitting it with the rest of form PHS-838 to his/her Rater. The Rater reviews the Officer’s Comments, completes Section 3, "Performance Evaluation," and Section 1, Part II, "Raters Comments and Signature." The Rater releases the COER to the officer. At this point, discussion between the Rater and officer is encouraged to clarify the evaluation. The officer then either concurs or disagrees with the evaluation and releases the COER to the Reviewing Official for review. The Reviewing Official (RO) completes Section 1, Part IV, "Reviewing Official’s Comments, Signature," and concurs or disagrees. The COER is then automatically transmitted electronically to the officer’s Official Personnel Folder (eOPF).
If this process is performed using the Paper COER, after the RO concurs/disagrees, he/she forwards the completed COER through the Liaison to the Office of Commissioned Corps Operations (OCCO) for inclusion into the officer’s eOPF. The Paper version COER must be the original document with "wet" signatures. The COER may not be faxed or otherwise electronically transmitted to OCCO.Device The emblem of the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service consisting of a fouled anchor and caduceus crossed as in the seal of the Service (known as the Corps device). In the case of the cap device, a shield with a chief having 13 stars surmounted with a spread eagle, with the head pointing to the right, overlying the crossed fouled anchor and caduceus. 2631 Distinguishing Flag A flag which identifies a flag officer is called a "Distinguishing Flag." A Distinguishing Flag differs from a Color in that a Distinguishing Flag identifies only the rank of a person while a Color not only identifies but also represents the spirit and tradition of the organization. 2991 Dress Flag A Dress Flag may be flown on all national or locally recognized holidays and other dress (ceremonial) occasions. Exception may be made when the flagpole is not of a sufficient size to hold the Dress Flag. All Dress Flags shall be 10 feet hoist by 19 feet fly. 2991 EEO Counselor A person who has been designated by the HHS OPDIV or Program to assist in the informal resolution of issues relating to equal opportunity of the PHS Commissioned Corps officers and applicants to the PHS Commissioned Corps. 2616 EEO Officer A designated official with responsibility to manage EEO programs. 2616 Employee An employee as defined in 5 USC 2105 who is or was employed in a civilian capacity by an agency. 4272 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) An Agency/Operating Division (OPDIV)/Program counseling referral service. 2933 Engineer An officer in the PHS Commissioned Corps who possesses an earned engineering degree qualifying him/her for appointment to the Engineer category. 22211 Equal Opportunity Consideration and fair treatment based on merit and capability without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or to a limited extent, age or disability, for all members of, and applicants to, the PHS Commissioned Corps, in factors such as appointment, training, career development, and any other personnel practices that might affect the members opportunities and work environment. 2616 Examination Refers to the process of evaluating an officer for permanent or temporary promotion. 4341 Exceptional Proficiency Promotion (EPP) A temporary grade promotion to any grade earlier than the date on which the officer would meet the eligibility requirements for regular promotion. EPP promotions are based on the possession of unusual levels of training and/or professional experience or unique qualifications required by the PHS Commissioned Corps. 2342 Extended Active Duty A call or order to active duty for a period in excess of 120 days. 2618 Extramural Training All training provided under the sole auspices of non-PHS training facilities. 2521 Faddish A style followed for a short period of time with exaggerated zeal. Styles are enduring, fads are generally short in duration and frequently started by an individual or event in the civilian community. Fads are generally conspicuous and detract from a professional appearance. 400 Fair Weather Flag A Fair Weather Flag may be flown outdoors on all days except those specified in paragraph a above, or c below. All Fair Weather Flags shall be 5 feet hoist by 9.5 feet fly. 2991 Family Advocacy Program (FAP) A DoD program designed to address prevention, identification, evaluation, education, counseling, rehabilitation, follow-up, and reporting of family violence. 2933 Family Care Plan A written plan signed by an officer that indicates the steps the officer has taken to ensure that in the event of the officer's mobilization, the officer's dependents will be properly taken care of and all other personal/financial obligations will be met. 2618 Family Separation Allowance (FSA) An allowance paid to an officer for added expenses caused by involuntary separation from dependents due to duty requirements of the officer. 2215 Federal Agency An executive Department or Agency of the Federal government including the Executive Office of the President (EOP) that is not a departmental organization. Federal Personnel Civilian employees of the U.S. government or members of the Uniformed Services. 2616 Flight Duty Duty performed under competent orders while participating in aerial flight, where such duty is an integral part of the responsibilities of the officer. Participation in a flight solely for transportation purposes is not considered performance of flight duty. 2231 Flight Status An officer is considered in flight status when he/she has been issued official personnel orders directing flight duty; or in the case of an officer detailed to another uniformed service, has been authorized in writing by that service to perform flight duty. 2231 Foreign Government Governments, officials, agents, or representatives of governments working on behalf of countries other than the United States; and any international or multinational organization whose membership is composed of any unit of a foreign government. 2751 Functional Area A focus within a career track usually representing more specific job functions that normally correspond with major activities of an Agency or professional category. 2526 Gift Any present or thing, other than a decoration, tendered by or received from a foreign government. 2751 Governmental Entity Each department, both civilian and military, agency, independent establishment, or instrumentality of the executive branch, including the United States Postal Service, the Postal Rate Commission, any wholly owned Federal corporation created by an Act of Congress, any office, commission, bureau, or other administrative subdivision or creature of the executive branch, and the governments of the District of Columbia and of the territories and possessions of the United States. 4271 Grade Grade is defined as the officer’s temporary pay grade and is used for pay purposes only, e.g., O-6 is an O-6 pay grade. Graduate Professional Education (GPE) An ADO incurred as a result of attending an HHS or Department of Defense (DoD) sponsored GPE for physicians, dentists, nurses, or other specialties; includes residencies and fellowships. 22213 Grant-supported detail A detail to a State or nonprofit institution under an agreement that the officer’s services are provided in lieu of project or formula grant funds. Grievance A request by an active duty commissioned officer for personal relief in a matter of concern or dissatisfaction (such as working environment, working relationships with supervisors, other personnel, or officials), which is subject to the control of Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) management. However, situations which result from actions mandated by statute, regulations, or stated PHS policy is covered only when the actions taken were capricious, arbitrary, or not in consonance with the applicable law, regulations, or policy. 2615 Healthcare Disciplines Disciplines that provide clinical, forensic, and administrative skills in hospitals, physician’s offices, clinics, and other facilities which offer medical care, including surveillance (passive and active), diagnosis, laboratory evaluation, treatment, mental health support, and epidemiology investigation. This includes physicians, dentists, nurses, veterinarians, pharmacists, therapists, epidemiologists, and disciplines listed under the Health Services Officer category. 151.05 Healthcare Provider (HCP) A member of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service as defined in 37 USC 315. Health Services Officer (HSO) A Regular or Reserve Corps officer who has been met all of the appointment standards determined by the ASH and who has been assessed into the PHS under the "Health Services Appointment Standards." 42211 HHS Component Head The head of the HHS Component or a designated official at the headquarters level within that Component, to which the officer is assigned. 2223 Household Goods This term is understood to include the term "personal effects," and shall have the meaning given to "Household Goods" in the JFTR. The JFTR definition includes a list of specific items which may not be considered household goods for the purposes of shipment at Government expense. 2461 Impaired Officer An officer with a substance abuse problem. 2938 Incentive Special Pay (ISP) Contract A written agreement, which has been properly signed and notarized, by which an officer agrees to remain on active duty for a pre-determined period beginning on the effective date of the agreement. 22210 Incentive Special Pay A special pay for officers in designated specialties who meet all requirements for incentive special pay as determined by the ASH. 22210 Individual memorandum of agreement (IMA) An assignment agreement between the Department and a non-departmental organization that is for a specific project or predetermined duration and covers the detailed officer. Indoor Flags Those which are generally used inside buildings (in offices, conference rooms, or auditoriums) but which may also be used out of doors for ceremonial purposes, such as parades. The two types of PHS Indoor Flags are Colors and Distinguishing Flags. 2991 Initial Residency Training That period of time spent by an officer in medical or osteopathic residency training prior to the officer's first becoming eligible to take a specialty board examination administered by an American medical examining board. 4521 Insignia Uniform components which serve to (1) identify the uniform as being that of a particular uniformed service; or (2) identify the grade, rank or other classification of the wearer. 4631 Interim COER An optional COER type initiated by the officer or the Rater. The Rater may require an officer to complete the Interim COER if he/she wishes to document the officer's performance for any given period. The COER can be completed at any time during the year, but it does not substitute or take the place of the Annual COER. Intermittent Tours of Active Duty The CAD of an inactive reserve officer for recurrent periods the sum of which shall not exceed 100 days in a fiscal year. 2359 International Organization A public international organization engaged in health activities for special studies of scientific problems and for the dissemination of information relating to public health in which the United States participates under any treaty or under the authority of any Act of Congress authorizing such participation, and which shall have been designated by the President through appropriate Executive Order as being entitled to enjoy certain privileges, exemptions, and immunities. 2355 Internship A formal program of postgraduate training required to complete a course of study and be certified in a designated specialty. 2228p Intramural Training Training provided under the primary auspices of PHS training facilities. In some instances, PHS training facilities may have an agreement of affiliation with non-PHS facilities to provide certain parts of an intramural training program. 2521 Involuntary Termination of Contract The termination of contract by competent authority without consent of the officer concerned; Termination of commission by competent authority without consent of the officer concerned; Inactivation (release from active duty) of the officer by competent authority without consent of the officer concerned; Death of officer; or Voluntary separation (termination or inactivation) or retirement in lieu of probable involuntary separation or retirement by competent authority. 4221 Isolated/Hardship/Hard-to-Fill Locations Locations designated, where ISP for hardship has been authorized to be paid to alleviate the shortage or to increase the retention of active duty medical officers. Once designated, locations will remain designated for a period of 4 years. 22210 Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR) Regulation that governs travel entitlements and restrictions for government personnel. 2414 Leave Year or Year A calendar year, i.e., the period beginning January 1 and ending December 31. 2912 Legal Process Any writ, order, summons, or other similar process in the nature of garnishment, which may Include an attachment, writ of execution, or court ordered wage assignment, which (1) Is issued by: (i) A court of competent jurisdiction, Including Indian tribal courts, within any State, territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia; (ii) A court of competent jurisdiction In any foreign country with which the United States has entered into an agreement that requires the United States to honor such process; or (iii) An authorized official pursuant to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction. or pursuant to state or local law, and (2) Is directed to, and the purpose of which Is to compel, a governmental entity, to make a Payment from moneys otherwise payable to an individual, to another party to satisfy a legal obligation of the individual to provide child support and/or make alimony Payments. 4271 License License/certification/registration by a State authority or by a recognized national professional association as required by statute or regulation. 2614 Liscensed Limited Tours A specific period of active duty, which allows candidates to be appointed and called to active duty pending completion of the requirements to qualify for licensure as specified in CCI 231.03, "Category Specific Appointment Standards." 231.03 Limited Tour of Duty A CAD of a reserve corps officer by a personnel order which limits the tour of active duty to a specified period of time. 2338 Loan Repayment ADO An ADO incurred in exchange for repayment of all or a portion of eligible health professions educational loans, for which the officer agrees to serve a pre-determined period of full-time clinical practice at a qualified health facility, e.g., IHS Loan Repayment Program, NHSC Loan Repayment Program, or other loan repayment program for the health professions. 22213 Local Uniform Authority (LUA) The official having authority to prescribe the uniforms which may be worn within a given area. 2631 Lump Sum Leave Payment The payment for unused accumulated and accrued annual leave made to officers of the PHS Commissioned Corps upon separation under honorable conditions, or to survivors upon the officer's death. 2912 Leave without pay (LWOP) Detail A detail in which an officer retains his/her commission and active-duty status, but is permitted to be absent without pay for the purpose of accepting employment with a State or local government, or other non-departmental organization as provided for in 42 USC 215(d). 2357 Manager An official who (1) directs the work of an organization; (2) is held accountable for the success of specific line or staff programs; (3) monitors the progress of the organization toward achievement of goals; (4) periodically evaluates and makes appropriate adjustments; and (5) makes substantial policy decisions. 2511 Manual COER forms Generic paper-based documents used for all Commissioned Officers’ Effectiveness Report (COER) types. Manual COER forms consist of form PHS-838, Attachment 1 and Attachment 2. The Rater may complete a "Narrative Evaluation" or a "Detailed Evaluation." Manual COER forms are available on the CCMIS Web site at: http://dcp.psc.gov/dcpforms.asp. The officer is responsible for completing Attachment 1 and submitting it with form PHS-838 and Attachment 2 to his/her Rater. The Rater reviews Attachment 1, completes form PHS-838 and Attachment 2. The Rater may ask the officer to change any portion of Attachment 1. The Rater then forwards the COER back to the officer to concur or disagree with the evaluation. If the officer disagrees with the evaluation, the officer is encouraged to talk with his/her supervisor. The officer then forwards the completed COER to his/her assigned Reviewing Official. The Reviewing Official then forwards the completed COER back to the officer. The Manual COER forms are then submitted to OCCO for inclusion into the officer’s electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) through the officer’s Commissioned Corps Liaison (Liaison) (see list at http://dcp.psc.gov. click on "About Us."). Fax copies will not be accepted.
The Rater may initiate a COER on the prescribed Manual COER forms if the officer is physically or medically unable to do so, or if the officer has not transmitted the required electronic Annual COER by the required due date. The Rater must not include any personal information related to an officer’s situation or condition that prevented the officer from starting the COER, other than the reasons related to insubordination. If the officer refuses to sign the COER, the Rater must also document the refusal and forward the COER to the Reviewing Official. Upon completion of the COER, the forms are then submitted to OCCO for inclusion into the officer’s eOPF (electronic Official Personnel Folder) through the officer’s Commissioned Corps Liaison. Fax copies will not be accepted.Medical Internship The first year of graduate medical training, whether a formal internship or the first year of residency training, including, in the case of Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine, both osteopathic internships and medical internships. 2225 Medical Officer Individuals, including osteopaths, who are commissioned as medical officers in the PHS Commissioned Corps, and who are called to active duty (CAD) for a pre-determined period. 2223 Medical Residency A formal program of graduate medical training leading to certification in a medical specialty or subspecialty by an American medical or osteopathic specialty examining board. 2221 Member A member or former member of the active or reserve component of the uniformed services. 4272 Memorandum of agreement (personnel agreement) An assignment agreement between the Department or one of its departmental organizations and a non-departmental organization that sets forth the rights, duties, benefits, obligations, and financial arrangements (where necessary) relating to the detail of one or more officers to a non-departmental organization. Military Treatment Facility (MTF) Includes military health care, hospitals and clinics, and those facilities under contract with the Government to provide health care services for members of the Uniformed Services. 2421 Medical Officers' Retention Bonus (MORB) Contract "Medical Officers' Retention Bonus (MORB) Contract" is a written agreement, which has been properly signed and notarized, by which an officer agrees to remain on active duty for pre-determined period, beginning on the effective date of the agreement. 2224 Multiyear Retention Bonus Contract "Multiyear Retention Bonus Contract" is a written agreement, which has been properly signed and notarized, by which an officer agrees to remain on active duty for pre-determined period, beginning on the effective date of the agreement. 2229 Narrative COER
(prior to 01 July 2010)Consists of only one performance evaluation element, "Overall Job Performance." The Narrative Evaluation is typically used when the Rater has supervised the officer for less than 6 months, or if the Rater believes that a complete performance appraisal is premature or inappropriate. On the electronic Annual Commissioned Officers’ Effectiveness Report (COER), the Rater is only allowed to score the overall job performance as "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory." On the Manual COER forms, only Element 18 can be marked. A "Satisfactory" rating corresponds to a score of "C"; an "Unsatisfactory" rating corresponds to a score of "A". A "C" score does not negatively reflect on an officer’s performance nor does it detract from an officer’s promotion potential.
Note: For assimilation, an overall COER score must be "D" or higher. A "Satisfactory" rating will not meet assimilation requirements.Narrative COER
(01 July 2010 and after)The Narrative COER may be used when the Rater has supervised the officer for less than 6 months and the Rater feels unqualified to perform the Detailed COER. The Narrative COER is not an option when an officer has been supervised for more than 6 months. The Narrative COER will be completed online if it stands as the Annual COER. If completed on paper, the paper document consists of 2 pages, Sections 1 and 2 only. Scores and Rater Comments are not required.
The officer is responsible for completing Section 1, "Administrative Data," and Section 2, "Officer’s Comments," and submitting it with the rest of form PHS-838 to his/her Rater. The Rater reviews the Officer’s Comments, completes Section 1, Part II. The Rater will rate the officer’s overall performance of job duties as "Marginal," "Satisfactory," or "Unsatisfactory." The Rater will provide comments in the "Strengths" and "Areas for Improvement" sections. The Rater releases the COER to the officer. At this point, discussion between the Rater and officer is encouraged to clarify the evaluation. The officer then either concurs or disagrees with the evaluation and releases the COER to the Reviewing Official (RO) for review. The RO completes Section 1, Part IV, "Reviewing Official’s Comments, Signature," and concurs or disagrees. The COER is then automatically transmitted electronically to the officer’s Official Personnel Folder (eOPF).
If this process is performed using the Paper COER, after the RO concurs/disagrees, he/she forwards the completed COER through the Liaison to the Office of Commissioned Corps Operations (OCCO) for inclusion into the officer’s eOPF. The Paper version COER must be the original document with "wet" signatures. The COER may not be faxed or otherwise electronically transmitted to OCCO.National Guard The Army National Guard, the Air National Guard, the Army National Guard of the United States, and Air National Guard of the United States. 4272 National Special Security Event An event declared by the Secretary of Homeland Security that is of national significance, requires special security, and is coordinated at the national response level. National Uniform Authority (NUA) The official having authority to establish the Corps' uniform guidelines, and to designate the Local Uniform Authorities (LUA). Non-departmental organization A governmental, institutional, or organizational entity that is a Federal Agency other than HHS or its component organizations, a State or local government, or one of its political subdivisions, congressional committee, nonprofit institution, or any other institution to which officers may be detailed in accordance with 42 USC 215. However, international organizations as defined in this glossary are not included within this definition. Non-profit organization An educational, research, or other institution operated for purposes other than profit-making activities that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Treasury as being non-profit, or who enjoys non-profit status by an Act of Congress, i.e., no part of the net earnings may inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. Non-Federal Supervisor The designated state/NPI official who will be directly responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the officer while the officer is on detail to a state/NPI. 2355 Nonreimbursable Detail A detail for which the gaining non-departmental organization does not reimburse the Department for the services provided by the officer during the detailed period (except that the gaining non-departmental organization may pay travel directed by it). 2355 Non-work Day A day designated by an officer in charge on which an officer has no scheduled working hours. 4911 Nurse Accession Bonus (NAB) Agreement A written, signed, and notarized agreement in which a person has accepted a commission as a Corps nurse officer and agrees to remain on active duty for a pre-determined period, beginning on the effective date of the agreement, as a condition for payment of a NAB. 22214 Nurse Officer A commissioned Regular or Reserve Corps officer serving on extended active duty who has met all of the appointment standards and is assigned to the Nurse category. Commissioned warrant nurse officers are eligible for nursing special pays under the same conditions and circumstances, where applicable, as commissioned officers. 22214 Obligated Service Active duty service time required as a result of participation in training or scholarships supported by HHS. 22211 Officer or Commissioned Officer Officers appointed to the PHS Commissioned Corps pursuant to 42 USC 204. 2355 OPDIV or Program Head The head of an HHS OPDIV or Program. 22210 Operating Division (OPDIV) A line organizational component operating fully under the leadership of the HHS. 2711 Operational Flying Flying performed under competent orders by designated officers while serving in assignments in which basic flying skills are normally maintained in the performance of assigned duties, and flying by individuals in training that leads to the award of an aeronautical designation. 2233 Optional Items Uniform items purchased at the wearer's expense, which may be worn with the basic uniform, but which are not prescribable. Optional items may be worn with the basic uniform at the individual's discretion unless otherwise directed. 400 Organizational Clothing Clothing and related equipment which is provided by the OPDIV/STAFFDIV or Non-HHS organizations for use by individual officers as necessary. Organizational clothing is returned to the OPDIV/STAFFDIV/Non-HHS organizations when an officer leaves the applicable assignment. 2631 OCONUS Geographic locations outside the contiguous 48 United States and the District of Columbia. 2212 Outdoor Flags Are displayed out of doors, as from a flagpole, will be known as Outdoor Flags. The three types of Outdoor Flags are Dress, Fair Weather, and Storm. 2991 Overseas flight A flight having either the origin or destination (or both) in an overseas area. 2412 Overseas Any U.S. State or territory located outside the geographic boundries of CONUS. 2412 Pay as It Relates to Members Includes, but is not limited to, base and longevity pay, basic pay, training duty pay, special and incentive pays, readjustment pay, severance pay, mustering-out pay, retainer pay, retired pay, retirement pay, lump sum leave pay, and equivalent pay. It does not include travel or transportation allowances. 4272 Performance Management Plan/Contract An organizational measurement tool used to evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness, and performance of individuals and groups. Performance plans/contracts are designed to improve individual, team, and organizational efficiency and effectiveness as related to the organizational mission. Permanent Change of Station (PCS) A PCS is the detail or transfer of an officer to a different permanent duty station under official orders that do not specify the duty as temporary. 2352 Permanent Duty Station (PDS) The duty location or official station of an officer. 2352 Permanent Promotion A promotion to a grade below which an officer shall not be reduced except for cause under applicable PHS Commissioned Corps regulations. 2341 Personnel Order An official commissioned corps personnel document issued by competent authority appointing, or officially announcing the appointment of, a commissioned officer, ordering an officer to active duty or otherwise officially effectuating, documenting and announcing commissioned corps personnel actions, or authorizing travel and transportation and pays and allowances. 4221 Pharmacist A person who has been commissioned as either a Reserve or Regular Corps officer and who in addition, has met all of the pharmacy appointment standards for the PHS. 4228 Phase-Out Discontinue wear. 400 PHS Agency Head The head of the PHS agency. 2225 PHS Component This identifies the PHS Agencies, staff offices and regional offices, and the various installations within their respective jurisdictions. 2461 PHS Supervisor The designated PHS official who will exercise general administrative supervision over the officer while the officer is on detail to a Federal agency. 2358 Prescribable Items Uniform items which may be directed or authorized for wear with the basic uniform. Prescribable items may be worn with basic uniform at the individual's discretion unless otherwise directed. 400 Primary Duty Performance of tasks reflected on the officer's billet description. 2234 Private Person A person who does not have sovereign or other special immunity or Privilege which causes that person not be subject to legal process. 4271 Pro Rata Refund A refund whose amount bears the same ratio to the amount paid to the officer as the unserved part of such period bears to the total period agreed to be served. 22214 Prohibited Discrimination Any action, omission, or use of language that results in the adverse treatment of a person because of his/her race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or to a limited extent, age or disability, as well as actions or omissions or use of language that constitute harassment or reprisal. 2616 Promotion Credit The total active duty time of a Regular Corps officer. 2341 Promotion Registers Lists for each grade of each category in both the regular corps and the reserve corps which shall include the names of all officers of that grade and category who have been recommended for permanent or temporary promotion. 4341 Promotion Year A year in which an officer is eligible to be examined for temporary promotion and runs from 1 July through 30 June of the following year. 2342 Qualifying Academic or Professional Degree Program A qualifying academic or professional degree program is a degree program including a combined degree and certification program, that is creditable for purposes of awarding training and experience date (TED) credit and provides the educational and training basis for originally appointing candidates to the Regular or Reserve Corps in one of the professional categories of the PHS. 2334 Quartile A quartile is formed by taking a series of numeric values, such as promotion scores that have been ranked from highest to lowest value and divided into four equal parts. Rank order score(s) in the 4th part are in the lowest quartile. 2342 Rank Rank is the title of a position such as Captain (CAPT), Commander (CDR), Lieutenant Commander (LCDR), etc. Rater Establishes performance expectations, assigns work, prioritizes tasks, administers personnel matters, and is responsible for evaluating the officer’s performance of duties. The Rater evaluates the officer’s performance of duties using the Annual Commissioned Officers’ Effectiveness Report (COER).
For the Annual Commissioned Officers’ Effectiveness Report (COER) rating period, the Rater is the officer’s immediate supervisor on the first Wednesday of October, regardless of the time supervised. If the officer is detailed outside of the Department of Human Services (HHS), the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) detailing the officer will designate the Rater. If the Rater is not designated by the MOA/MOU, the Federal Supervisor named in the MOA/MOU is designated as the Rater.Ready Roster A listing of officers, divided among agencies and skill sets, that are first on call for a response during a given period. 2618 Reassignment A change of duties, responsibilities, and/or billet within the officer's current organization and not necessitating a PCS. A reassignment may be voluntary or involuntary when initiated to meet the needs of the Service. 2352 Rebuttal A narrative document and any pertinent documentation necessary to rebut Commissioned Officers’ Effectiveness Report (COER) ratings, comments within Attachment 2, and Reviewing Official comments. The Rebuttal applies to all COER types. The Rebuttal must have the officer’s name, rank, and serial number on the top of each page. The officer is encouraged to keep the number of pages submitted to less than five pages. The Rebuttal is submitted to the Office of Commissioned Corps Operations (OCCO) for inclusion into the officer’s eOPF (electronic Official Personnel Folder) through the officer’s Commissioned Corps Liaison (Liaison). The officer and Liaison must sign the Rebuttal, or it will not be processed. Fax copies will not be accepted.
The Liaison will provide a copy of the Rebuttal to the officer’s Rater and Reviewing Official. The Rater may refute the Rebuttal by submitting comments and documentation to the Office of Commissioned Corps Operations through the officer’s Liaison.Reimbursable Detail A detail for which the gaining non-departmental organization reimburses (fully or partially) the Department for the services provided by the officer during the detail period. 2357 Release Date The last day at the current duty station before travel commences to the new duty station. 2352 Reprisal An unlawful act to restrain, interfere, coerce, or discriminate against an individual who is involved or participating in the discrimination complaints process (i.e., a complainant, his/her representative, or witness, or an agency official responsible for processing discrimination complaints). 2616 Required Uniform Item An item of the uniform which is required as part of the basic collection of items for that uniform. An officer wearing a particular uniform will maintain all the required components. 2631 Research Officer Group (ROG) Officers who are members of ROG (independent of tenure status), who are involved with basic research. 2226 Residency Training A formal program of postgraduate training that is approved by a nationally recognized accrediting body. 2228p Restricted Categories and Grades Officers of the Regular Corps and the Reserve Corps in the Nurse, Pharmacy, Environmental Health, Dietitian, Therapy, and Health Services categories shall receive a permanent promotion to the Full grade and Senior grade only if vacancies exist in such grades. CCI 231.01 Retention Special Pay (RSP) A lump-sum bonus payable on an annual basis to medical officers who contract to serve on active duty in the commissioned corps for pre-determined period of time. 22213 Reviewing Official (RO) Typically an official with review and approval authority at one level higher than the Rater, unless otherwise specified in the MOA or MOU detailing the officer outside of an HHS Operating Division (OPDIV) or Staff Division (STAFFDIV). The RO should have unique operational knowledge and understanding of the officer’s assigned duties and performance expectations. In the event an RO is not identified, the Commissioned Corps Liaison may act as the RO. Reviewing Official Statement (ROS) A narrative document required of officers who are eligible for competitive promotion. The RO is responsible to complete this document. The ROS must address the officer's promotion readiness, how the officer takes on leadership roles, and how the officer contributes to the mission of the organization to which he/she is assigned and to the Corps. Scientist An officer in the PHS Commissioned Corps who possesses an earned doctorate degree such as a Ph.D., D.P.H., or D.Sc. and has been appointed to the Scientist category. 22211 Secretary The Secretary of Health and Human Services. 4001 Secretary Concerned A Cabinet position appointed by the President and identified in Title 37 of the United States Code. 4272 Selected Promotion A selected promotion is a permanent promotion to the Director grade (O-6) or a grade that is restricted. 23.4.1 Senior Officer An officer holding a grade at or above the Director grade. 4381 Seniority Credit The total amount of active duty time of a Regular Corps officer in his/her current permanent grade. 2341 Seniority Lists Lists for each grade of each category in both the regular and the reserve corps which shall include the names of all officers of that grade and category in the order of their seniority in grade. 4341 Service The Public Health Service. 4001 Service Promotion A permanent promotion for a Regular Corps officer to any grade other than to the Director grade (O-6) or a grade that is restricted. 2341 SG's Policy Advisory Council (SGPAC) Representatives Senior level officers from the HHS OPDIVs and other Federal agencies to which officers are assigned, who were designated to provide advice to the SG on commissioned corps policy matters. 2616 Shipping Officer An individual within a PHS component who is responsible for making arrangements for the transportation of the household goods of PHS commissioned officers. 2461 Sick Leave Any period of one day or more with respect to which an officer is excused from duty because of sickness, disability, or need of medical services. 4911 Special Pay ADO An ADO that is incurred upon acceptance of a health professions special pay that requires a contractual agreement. 22213 Staff Division (STAFFDIV) A staff organizational component within the Office of the Secretary, HHS. 2711 State One of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and a territory or possession of the United States. 2334 State health or mental health authority Refers to any non-Federal governmental entity whose purpose is to provide health-related services, or mental health-related services, respectively, to citizens of a State and includes: a Federal-State agency, authority, or instrumentality; an interstate or regional agency, authority, or instrumentality; or a State agency, authority, or instrumentality, or political subdivision thereof, or a county or local agency, authority, or instrumentality. Station Leave Authorized absence from duty and station on non-work days, off-work hours, or for a period of less than one work day. 4911 Storm Flag A Storm Flag may be flown outdoors in lieu of Fair Weather Flag during inclement weather. All Storm Flags shall be 3.52 feet hoist by 6.69 feet fly. 2991 Substance Abuse Alcohol and/or other drug abuse. 2938 Surgeon General (SG) The Surgeon General of the Public Health Service. 4001 Temporary Duty (TDY) The assignment, detail, or transfer of an officer to a different duty station under competent orders specifying the duty as temporary. 2215 Temporary Promotion A promotion to any grade greater than the permanent grade held by the officer that takes place earlier than the date on which the officer would meet the eligibility requirements under the permanent promotion criteria established by 42 USC 211(d). 2342 Temporary Promotion Revocation Board (TPRB) A board of officers appointed and convened by the Surgeon General (SG) to make recommendations about whether an officer’s temporary promotion should be revoked. 2342 Terminal Leave Any approved annual leave taken after an officer has submitted a request for separation or retirement from active duty in the PHS Commissioned Corps. 2912 Time in Grade The total time in grade since the last appointment to such grade that an officer has served on active duty during the officer's current tour with the PHS Commissioned Corps. 2341 Time in Service The total time in active duty service as an officer in the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (Corps). Up to 3 years of service as a member in one of the uniformed services may be substituted for service in the Corps for determining eligibility for temporary grade O-5, and up to 6 years of service may be substituted for service in the Corps for determining eligibility for temporary grade O-6. 2342 Training and Experience Date (TED) Credit Education, training or work experience that is creditable for purposes of establishing an officer's permanent grade at appointment or in determining an officer's eligibility for permanent promotion on or after original appointment. 2341 Transfer A permanent change of station initiated by the Agency/OPDIV/Program, or any organizational component, in which a PCS is effectuated. A transfer may be voluntary or involuntary. 2352 Transfer COER An optional Commissioned Officers’ Effectiveness Report (COER) initiated by the officer. The officer's Rater may also direct an officer to complete a Transfer COER. The Transfer COER is completed when the officer transfers to a new assignment, or if the officer’s Rater transfers or retires. The officer may complete a Transfer COER in lieu of completing an Annual COER only if the officer transfers to a new assignment after 1 July but before the release date of the Annual COER. The Rater and Reviewing Official of the Transfer COER shall be from the officer’s previous assignment. The Transfer COER must be completed on the prescribed Manual COER forms and submitted to OCCO through the officer’s previous Commissioned Corp Liaison. If an officer does not complete a Transfer COER, the officer’s new Rater then becomes the Rater for the Annual COER rating period. Transportation Allowance An allowance to assist an officer in meeting the transportation expenses incurred when the nearest local, least expensive and adequate tuition-fee school is not accessible to the officer's dependents by commercial means of public transportation. 2244 Unfit for Duty An individual who is unable to perform the duties of his/her office, rank, and/or category due to medical, psychological or other impairment. 2933 Uniform A specific combination of uniform components (i.e., insignia, clothing items and miscellaneous items), worn in a manner prescribed by PHS policy, and identified by a particular name or designation. A uniform includes certain required components and may include optional components. 4631 Uniformed Services License A license issued by a State, which restricts the provider to practice in a Federal facility, or within some other confined limits. 231.03 Uniformed Service One of the seven Uniformed Services of the United States, namely: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard (Department of Homeland Security), Marine Corps (Department of the Navy), Navy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Commissioned Corps, (Department of Commerce), and the PHS Commissioned Corps (Department of Health and Human Services). 2335 United States The geographic area which is made up of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Marianas, Wake Island, and any other territories or possessions identified in Title 48 of the United States Code. 2631 Unsuitable An officer demonstrates general character traits or misconduct that make him/her unacceptable for continued affiliation or accession in a Uniformed Service. 2933 Urgent public health need An event of short-term duration that requires rapid intervention of public health resources to address actual or potential for adverse health effects to populations or communities that is beyond the capacity of the requesting organization. Examples of urgent public health needs include, but are not limited to, a critical staffing shortage that threatens the health and safety of the affected population, or support of non-HHS organizations in need of time-critical public health services. Voluntary Termination of Contract Either the termination of contract, inactivation of commission, termination of commission (other than severance for disability) or retirement (on a basis other than disability), at the request of the officer. 4221 Waiver Special written authorization to remain on active duty with a Uniformed Services restricted license. 2614 Work Day A day on which an officer is scheduled to perform a required period of work, including a day when an officer is scheduled to serve as officer of the day, to be on call, or to perform official travel. 4911 Working Uniform A uniform which may be prescribed when working conditions are such that the use of other uniforms would be impractical. Working uniforms are not worn for general usage and are not appropriate for wear in public away from the duty location. 2631 Years of Service Years of cumulative active service in a Uniformed Service. 22211 Protecting, Promoting and Advancing the Health and Safety of Our Nation. Commissioned Corps Headquarters
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